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    To the Wonder

    The film is a romantic drama. Marina falls in love with Neil in Paris and they come to Oklahoma together. They must pass through many the degree of love to maintain and protect their love.
    Duration: 112 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2012
    IMDb: 5.8
    (2) Voted
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  • Actors of "To the Wonder"

  • Characters of "To the Wonder"

    Neil. Character of To the Wonder
    Played by: Ben Affleck
    Marina. Character of To the Wonder
    Played by: Olga Kurylenko
    Jane. Character of To the Wonder
    Played by: Rachel McAdams
    Father Quintana. Character of To the Wonder
    Played by: Javier Bardem
    Anna. Character of To the Wonder
  • Directors of "To the Wonder"

    Terrence Malick. Director of To the Wonder
    Terrence Malick
    Birthdate: 30 November 1943, Ottawa, Illinois, USA
  • Creators of "To the Wonder"

    Terrence Malick. Director of To the Wonder
    Terrence Malick
    Birthdate: 30 November 1943, Ottawa, Illinois, USA
  • Critic Reviews of "To the Wonder"

    The Atlantic
    April 16, 2014

    Malick is employing his usual style of montage and voice-over narration but in a new, contemporary setting that makes Wonder feel like his most vital work in years.

    Orange County Register
    March 03, 2014

    Love is a many-splendored thing, except when it isn't in To the Wonder, a wispy romantic movie about the death of a romance.

    The New Republic
    June 13, 2013

    What is most affecting is Malick's intent. He plainly devised the story to give him a series of panels for the expression of feeling.

    Miami Herald
    May 03, 2013

    The movie plays like an undercooked pie that hasn't had enough time to cool and settle.

    Christian Science Monitor
    April 26, 2013

    Essentially it's an agglomeration of Malick's worst stylistic annoyances.

    Arizona Republic
    April 25, 2013

    A thing of great beauty, but not much more.

    June 21, 2016

    In its own way, it's an involving picture, but Malick's form is too frequently working against his content.

    New Zealand Herald
    May 16, 2016

    Moving and thought provoking.
    July 15, 2015

    Your response to all this depends extremely heavily on how much philosophizing and pretty pictures you're willing to accept in lieu of a story.

    Film School Rejects
    August 11, 2014

    To the Wonder shouldn't be passed off as "self-parody," but as Malick's self-destructed misfire.

    April 09, 2014

    Jane and Neil find themselves brushing against each other in a large field right up next to a herd of brown bison amid rustling grasses, as if grass were ever still when a camera, Malick's camera, is directed its way.

  • Soundtracks of "To the Wonder"

Example Example Example