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    The White King

    The movie follows Djata, a care-free 12-year-old growing up in a brutal dictatorship shutting off from the outside world, while dealing with persecution against him and his parents by the government.
    Duration: 89 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2016
    IMDb: 5.5
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  • Actors of "The White King"

  • Directors of "The White King"

    Alex Helfrecht. Director of The White King
    Alex Helfrecht
    Birthdate: 22 April 1979, Oxford, England, UK
    Jörg Tittel. Director of The White King
    Jörg Tittel
    Birthdate: 10 August 1978, Brussels, Belgium
  • Creators of "The White King"

    György Dragomán. Director of The White King
    György Dragomán
    Alex Helfrecht. Director of The White King
    Alex Helfrecht
    Birthdate: 22 April 1979, Oxford, England, UK
  • Critic Reviews of "The White King"

    Hollywood Reporter
    September 09, 2016

    Intriguing but ultimately underwhelming.

    March 30, 2017

    The White King is a bold and brave piece of filmmaking that embraces film as an incomplete form. The ideas are presented in such a way that they require the engagement of the audience.

    February 02, 2017

    The story exudes natural confidence in its execution of that tension. It knows exactly when to pull you in and push you back.

    Empire Magazine
    January 30, 2017

    The makers have clearly thought about what a future reversion to twentieth century-style tyranny would look like, and the design, anthems and details all ring true.

    Observer (UK)
    January 29, 2017

    It's an impressively realised world; the "Homeland" is an agrarian totalitarian state in which any form of dissent is quashed by jackboot justice.

    Times (UK)
    January 27, 2017

    The White King never quite fulfils its initial promise as a dystopian young-adult adventure set in a future police state.

    Shadows on the Wall
    January 27, 2017

    This chilling undertone keeps the audience gripped even when the story seems to spin its wheels.

    Little White Lies
    January 27, 2017

    The White King is a respectable first feature, but one that would have benefitted from refinement and nuance - a good few moves behind the best films in the genre.

    Radio Times
    January 26, 2017

    The White King only springs to life when Pryce is on screen, which isn't often.

    January 26, 2017

    An intriguing, sombre work.

    Flick Filosopher
    January 26, 2017

    This sad mess of a vaguely sci-fi coming-of-age tale seemingly could not be more plugged into current fears, and yet it feels utterly irrelevant.

    Total Film
    January 23, 2017

    Co-directors Alex Helfrecht and Jörg Tittel devise a convincingly scary dystopia crossing Nazi Germany with Stalin's Russia. Too bad Helfrecht's script lets it down.

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