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    The Squeeze

    The movie is about a notorious gambler who discovers a talented but modest young golfer in a small rural town with uncommon golf skills. And he tries to convince the golfer to join forces with him in hustling matches against other gamblers and their ringers. Now the game becomes life and death.
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  • Actors of "The Squeeze"

  • Directors of "The Squeeze"

    Terry Jastrow. Director of The Squeeze
    Terry Jastrow
    Birthdate: 24 September 1948, Denver, Colorado, USA
  • Creators of "The Squeeze"

    Terry Jastrow. Director of The Squeeze
    Terry Jastrow
    Birthdate: 24 September 1948, Denver, Colorado, USA
  • Critic Reviews of "The Squeeze"
    April 17, 2015

    Here's a movie that would benefit from being broken up by late-night television commercials.

    Los Angeles Times
    April 16, 2015

    Between plot and character, there are definitely 18 holes in "The Squeeze."
    May 01, 2015

    Within the legacy of golf movies, this subpar thriller doesn't reach the leaderboard.

    Baret News
    April 27, 2015

    A moralizing, paint-by-numbers parable lifted right out of the Hollywood hack playbook.

    Film Journal International
    April 17, 2015

    Worthy addition to the annals of golf movies and a decent gambling-caper film, marred by a subpar final act.

    One Guy's Opinion
    April 16, 2015

    Won't efface memories of the best caper pictures. Golfers, however, may well find it a pleasant diversion. At least it shouldn't tee them off.

    Austin Chronicle
    April 16, 2015

    A third act twist renders everything null and void and seriously strains anything mildly resembling reality.
    April 16, 2015

    There's a game of conscience being played alongside golf, yet "The Squeeze" never achieves urgency.

    April 16, 2015

    Imagine: Death threats. A $1 million bet. And it all rests on one. Round. Of golf. There's a reason thrillers aren't set on the fairway.

    Aisle Seat
    April 15, 2015

    For much of its running time, it delivers a perfectly breezy, entertaining story, but then the third act trips everything up.

    Tribune News Service
    April 14, 2015

    Bits of characters and scenes suggest a less cheesy or more breezy movie could have resulted from this.

    ReelTalk Movie Reviews
    April 13, 2015

    'The Squeeze' boasts an opening sequence with the wildest golf action I've ever seen on screen, and the last part of the film offers lots of suspense. One of my favorite golf movies.

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