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    The Saint

    Suave, debonair, international thief Simon Templa is hired by the Russian Mafia to steal a cold fusion energy formula from scientist Emma Russel, however the mission backfires as he falls for the pretty, intelligent scientist.
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  • Actors of "The Saint"

  • Characters of "The Saint"

    Simon Templar. Character of The Saint
    Played by: Val Kilmer
    Dr. Emma Russell. Character of The Saint
    Played by: Elisabeth Shue
    Ivan Tretiak. Character of The Saint
    Inspector Teal. Character of The Saint
    Played by: Alun Armstrong
  • Directors of "The Saint"

    Phillip Noyce. Director of The Saint
    Phillip Noyce
    Birthdate: 29 April 1950, Griffith, New South Wales, Australia
  • Creators of "The Saint"

    Leslie Charteris. Director of The Saint
    Leslie Charteris
    Birthdate: 12 May 1907, Singapore
    Jonathan Hensleigh. Director of The Saint
    Jonathan Hensleigh
    Birthdate: 13 February 1959, USA
  • Critic Reviews of "The Saint"

    Todd McCarthy Variety
    May 20, 2008

    A generic suspenser that doesn't taste bad at first bite but becomes increasingly hard to swallow.

    Lisa Alspector Chicago Reader
    May 20, 2008

    This insufferable romance-adventure includes vague comedy as well as unintentional humor, and its target audience seems to be preadolescents who won't notice the calculated enthusiasm with which it sidesteps sexuality.

    Derek Adams Time Out
    June 24, 2006

    Eminently forgettable.

    Peter Travers Rolling Stone
    March 06, 2005

    Love redeems this profiteer; it also renders him conventional.

    Rita Kempley Washington Post
    June 26, 2002

    Reinvention in the hands of Hollywood is seldom cause for celebration.

    Edward Guthmann San Francisco Chronicle
    June 18, 2002

    There isn't a contemporary film actor more crafty than Val Kilmer -- or one who reveals less of his true self. That's why Kilmer is so perfectly cast as Simon Templar, the master thief and elusive disguise artist of The Saint.

    Brian Costello Common Sense Media
    May 31, 2016

    Uneven '90s action movie has violence, some drug use.

    Maitland McDonagh TV Guide
    May 20, 2008

    Kilmer slips in and out of a series of ludicrously elaborate disguises, some more convincing than others, while poor Shue shuffles through the role of a sexy, book-reading babe pretending to be a dowdy lady scientist in kneesocks.

    Darren Bignell Empire Magazine
    May 20, 2008

    There's no lack of style or pace from Noyce, just the sense that it isn't quite gelling together.

    JoBlo JoBlo's Movie Emporium
    August 18, 2006

    There was enough in the movie for me to watch and somewhat enjoy it the whole way through.

    Tom Meek Film Threat
    December 06, 2005

    What could have been a cool concept movie buckles under an uninspired script and some treacherous miscasting.

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