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    The River Wild (1994)

    The film is a fast-paced thriller in which a young family on a white-water rafting adventure in Montana are taken hostage by a pair of dangerous fugitives. The mother then takes on the pair of armed killers while navigating a spectacularly violent river.
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  • Actors of "The River Wild (1994)"

  • Characters of "The River Wild (1994)"

    Gail Hartman. Character of The River Wild (1994)
    Played by: Meryl Streep
    Roarke Hartman. Character of The River Wild (1994)
    Wade. Character of The River Wild (1994)
    Played by: Kevin Bacon
  • Directors of "The River Wild (1994)"

    Curtis Hanson. Director of The River Wild (1994)
    Curtis Hanson
    Birthdate: 24 March 1945, Reno, Nevada, USA
  • Creators of "The River Wild (1994)"

    Denis O'Neill. Director of The River Wild (1994)
    Denis O'Neill
  • Critic Reviews of "The River Wild (1994)"

    Rolling Stone
    May 12, 2001

    The perfect high old time for audiences in the mood to be tossed into the spin cycle for a pulse-pounding thrill ride.

    Washington Post
    January 01, 2000

    O'Neill proves to be a squeamish screenwriter. He doesn't allow his villain to do anything truly unnerving until the story's nearly done.

    Chicago Sun-Times
    January 01, 2000

    Constructed from so many ideas, characters and situations recycled from other movies that all the way down the river I kept thinking: Been there. Done that.

    Washington Post
    January 01, 2000

    If watched from a mildly amused, forgiving distance, the movie has its enjoyable moments -- good and campy.

    January 01, 2000

    The thriller framework is still familiar, but the results exhibit a welcome freshness.

    February 29, 2012

    Another 1990s domestic parable chastising workaholic dads, The River Wild also functions as a gorgeous travelogue and a Meryl Streep action film.

    Journal and Courier (Lafayette, IN)
    December 11, 2007

    A buff Streep vs. bad guy Bacon on a wild river journey in which good acting overcomes several cliches.

    Shadows on the Wall
    September 19, 2004

    corny but gripping
    August 15, 2003

    Terrible "suspense" movie. Predictable and no action until the end.

    Hollywood Bitchslap
    March 25, 2003

    It looks like an action movie, sounds like an action movie, but there's a lot more going on here.

    Your Movies (
    February 07, 2003

    The title promises more than the film delivers.

    January 09, 2002

    [Streep's] role is ridiculous, and the scenes depicting her marital crisis play like a hokey prelude to the inevitable reconciliation.

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