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    The Quest

    In the slums of New York City during the 1920s, petty thief Chris Dubois finds himself on the run from the police, the then hides on an outbound freight ship leaving for Asia. Kidnapped by gun smugglers and then sold to pirate captain Lord Dobbs, Chris eventually ends up the property of Khao, a master Asian kickboxer.
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  • Actors of "The Quest"

  • Characters of "The Quest"

    Christopher Dubois. Character of The Quest
    Lord Edgar Dobbs. Character of The Quest
    Played by: Roger Moore
    Maxie Devine. Character of The Quest
    Played by: James Remar
    Member of Fighters' Entourage. Character of The Quest
  • Directors of "The Quest"

    Jean-Claude Van Damme. Director of The Quest
    Jean-Claude Van Damme
    Birthdate: 18 October 1960, Berchem-Sainte-Agathe, Brussels, Belgium
  • Creators of "The Quest"

    Frank Dux. Director of The Quest
    Frank Dux
    Jean-Claude Van Damme. Director of The Quest
    Jean-Claude Van Damme
    Birthdate: 18 October 1960, Berchem-Sainte-Agathe, Brussels, Belgium
  • Critic Reviews of "The Quest"

    San Francisco Chronicle
    June 18, 2002

    At its best in its first half, when Dubois has to find his way to the competition in the Lost City of Tibet.

    Los Angeles Times
    February 21, 2001

    With the same grace and discipline that he displays in front of the camera, Jean-Claude Van Damme makes a socko directorial debut.

    USA Today
    January 01, 2000

    The endeavor looks less like a movie than some ESPN programmer's worst brainstorm.

    January 01, 2000

    The level of high-tension violence expected from a Van Damme film is blunted by poor direction, uninspired camera work, and a bland villain.

    New York Times
    January 01, 2000

    Interesting only for being so totally familiar, even if you've never seen another film about a Ghan-Gheng martial-arts match in an ancient Lost City in Tibet.

    7M Pictures
    September 14, 2005

    I rushed to finish this movie so I didn't get a late fee.
    January 08, 2005

    Van Damme calls his film 'the Ben-Hur of martial arts'; boy, is he deluded.

    Boxoffice Magazine
    June 05, 2002

    More a study in worldwide combat than a tribute to Van Damme's ascension as a director.

    Deseret News, Salt Lake City
    January 01, 2000

    Unless bone-crunching violence is your bag, you can bag this one.

    January 01, 2000

    In his first outing, it is unclear whether VanDamme can't manage the scope of this tale, or if he's just a bad director.

    Jam! Movies
    January 01, 2000

    A speedy and rousing adventure, chock-full of exciting -- if unlikely -- events and swarming with colorful characters in colorful locations.

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