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    The Machinist

    Factory worker Trevor Reznik suffers from insomnia so severe that his condition has taken its toll on his weight and his mental health and it's when Trevor begins to doubt his own sanity.
    Duration: 101 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2004
    IMDb: 7.6
    (5) Voted
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  • Actors of "The Machinist"

  • Characters of "The Machinist"

    Trevor Reznik. Character of The Machinist
    Played by: Christian Bale
    Stevie. Character of The Machinist
    Marie. Character of The Machinist
    Ivan. Character of The Machinist
    Played by: John Sharian
    Miller. Character of The Machinist
  • Directors of "The Machinist"

    Brad Anderson. Director of The Machinist
    Brad Anderson
    Birthdate: 1964, Madison, Connecticut, USA
  • Creators of "The Machinist"

    Scott Kosar. Director of The Machinist
    Scott Kosar
  • Critic Reviews of "The Machinist"

    Chicago Reader
    October 24, 2011

    Until now Bale's screen persona has been defined by a graceful athleticism; here his physicality is repellent, yet he carries the occasionally creaky plot of Scott Kosar's unsettling screenplay to a resonant finish.

    Time Out
    February 09, 2006

    One can't deny the dubious appeal of the spectacle of the skin-and-bone Bale, quite possibly endangering his health for the sake of his art.

    Orlando Sentinel
    December 10, 2004

    [Bale's] is a great performance, full of commitment and sacrifice, and The Machinist is one of the year's best films.

    Seattle Times
    December 03, 2004

    It's one of those movies that you admire more than you enjoy, but Anderson and Kosar are clearly talents to watch.

    Miami Herald
    December 03, 2004

    A stunt that didn't merit Bale's startling, and dangerous, transformation.

    Detroit News
    December 03, 2004

    It begins dark and depressing, but ends up merely dull.

    October 24, 2011

    If Nine Inch Nails, Swans and Ministry ever loomed large in the landscape of your imagination, Anderson's gloomy aesthetic may exert a sour but lingering pull.
    October 24, 2011

    A brilliant, harrowing performance by Bale.

    7M Pictures
    January 09, 2010

    It's not necessarily a fun or loveable picture, but it is interesting and entertaining.

    Movie Views
    May 18, 2009

    With time as a buffer, it's now easier to see The Machinist for what it is: a labyrinthine leap down the rabbit hole into a nightmarish wonderland.

    Cinema Crazed
    April 29, 2009

    A brilliant psychological horror story, and excellent direction...

    February 27, 2009

    Here, shorn of every ounce of body fat, Bale is laid open like an autopsy specimen, and he easily gives his best performance.

  • Soundtracks of "The Machinist"

Example Example Example