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    The Lucky Ones

    A meaningful story of three veterans who come back home from the cruel battlefiled is directed by Neil Burger. They have to learn how to pass over the obsessed memories and move on. TK seeking confidence to confront his wife after the injures has negative impact on his sexual function and middle-aged Cheever attempts to pay for his son's college tuition.
    Duration: 115 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2008
    IMDb: 6.9
    (2) Voted
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  • Actors of "The Lucky Ones"

  • Characters of "The Lucky Ones"

    Colee. Character of The Lucky Ones
    Played by: Rachel McAdams
    Pat Cheaver. Character of The Lucky Ones
    Played by: Molly Hagan
    Girl in Cyan Jacket. Character of The Lucky Ones
    Played by: Sarah Steele
  • Directors of "The Lucky Ones"

    Neil Burger. Director of The Lucky Ones
    Neil Burger
  • Creators of "The Lucky Ones"

    Neil Burger. Director of The Lucky Ones
    Neil Burger
    Dirk Wittenborn. Director of The Lucky Ones
    Dirk Wittenborn
  • Critic Reviews of "The Lucky Ones"

    Christian Science Monitor
    September 29, 2008

    The Iraq war has thus far produced no truly memorable dramatic movies, as opposed to documentaries, and the losing streak continues with The Lucky Ones.

    USA Today
    September 26, 2008

    This is not the worst of the Iraq-themed movies of the past few years, and it's possibly the best acted of any of them. But you wish the bonding of these three people wasn't diluted by the trite scenarios and artificial circumstances of their saga.

    Toronto Star
    September 26, 2008

    As they hit the road, the scenes play out like TV sitcom vignettes with little holding the centre together. We find out details about the characters lives, but never feel we know them.

    Seattle Times
    September 26, 2008

    McAdams and Peña are affectingly vulnerable, while Robbins convinces as a family man with strong paternal instincts.

    San Francisco Chronicle
    September 26, 2008

    The Lucky Ones has plenty of heart and courage. If it only had a brain ...

    AV Club
    September 26, 2008

    Like its lead characters, Lucky is wounded, lost, and impractical, but it has a messy, winning humanity and an agreeably leisurely pace that almost redeems it.

    Critic's Notebook
    October 07, 2015

    Mostly everything in the film, regardless of how contrived the set up, eventually rings true.

    East Bay Express
    August 15, 2011

    Their real, unstated missions are more in the nature of relocating their souls and finding some elusive peace of mind.

    Los Angeles CityBeat
    February 26, 2010

    ... captures the manner in which both the smallest and largest events on a road trip can build a sense of camaraderie among three strangers with very little in common.
    March 18, 2009

    If not for the warmth and likability of its characters and those playing them, The Lucky Ones would be a tiresome formula picture.

    Sin Magazine
    October 06, 2008

    It feels like the writers were trying for dialogue that sounded natural and improvisational. Instead, it feels scripted and rehearsed. It's all phony balony!

    Mountain Xpress (Asheville, NC)
    September 30, 2008

    Ultimately I was left without any clear notion as to what was being said through the film and why.

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