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    The Imitation Game

    Alan Turing, who saved millions of lives by cracking Germany';s so-called unbreakable code during WWII. During the winter of 1952, British authorities entered the home of mathematician, cryptanalyst and war hero Alan Turing to investigate a reported burglary. They instead ended up arresting Turing himself on charges of ';gross indecency';, an accusation that would lead to his devastating conviction for the criminal offense of homosexuality - little did officials know, they were actually incriminating the pioneer of modern-day computing.
    Duration: 114 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2014
    IMDb: 8.0
    (9) Voted
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    2018-05-26 14:05
    noor Anonymous
    2017-12-27 12:12

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  • Actors of "The Imitation Game"

  • Characters of "The Imitation Game"

    Alan Turing. Character of The Imitation Game
    Joan Clarke. Character of The Imitation Game
    Hugh Alexander. Character of The Imitation Game
    Played by: Matthew Goode
    Dilwyn 'Dilly' Knox. Character of The Imitation Game
    Played by: Rory Kinnear
    John Cairncross. Character of The Imitation Game
    Played by: Allen Leech
    Peter Hilton. Character of The Imitation Game
    Played by: Matthew Beard
    Commander Denniston. Character of The Imitation Game
    Played by: Charles Dance
    Sir Stewart Menzies. Character of The Imitation Game
    Played by: Mark Strong
    Jack Good. Character of The Imitation Game
    Supt Smith. Character of The Imitation Game
    Christopher Morcom. Character of The Imitation Game
    Played by: Jack Bannon
  • Directors of "The Imitation Game"

    Morten Tyldum. Director of The Imitation Game
    Morten Tyldum
    Birthdate: 19 May 1967, Bergen, Norway
  • Creators of "The Imitation Game"

    Graham Moore. Director of The Imitation Game
    Graham Moore
    Birthdate: 18 October 1981, Chicago, Illinois, USA
    Andrew Hodges. Director of The Imitation Game
    Andrew Hodges
  • Critic Reviews of "The Imitation Game"

    TIME Magazine
    January 04, 2015

    The "action" here is Turing tinkering with his machine. Or simply thinking -- which, as Cumberbatch portrays it, is adventure of the highest order.

    The New Republic
    January 04, 2015

    We go into a movie knowing that the subject was as genius or a hero, a martyr or titan. We should leave with a more nuanced understanding of who he was, his complexities and flaws.

    January 04, 2015

    This film about one of the past century's smartest humans at times treats its own audience like a classroom of remedial learners.

    Detroit News
    January 04, 2015

    It's a film about drive, about imagination, and how brilliance thrives outside the mainstream. These are common enough themes given uncommon purchase in a film about a man who likely saved millions of lives by never fitting in.

    Denver Post
    January 04, 2015

    [Cumberbatch's] whose portrayal of the British mathematician and WWII code-smasher is a feat of nuanced intelligence, a portrait of anguish with hints of arid humor. And, yes, arrogance.

    Código espagueti
    April 25, 2017

    The Imitation Game retakes the myth, interprets it again and in this is lost something of the innocence of a story turned into legend. [Full review in Spanish]

    Ozus' World Movie Reviews
    April 01, 2017

    A conventional but first-rate spy thriller.

    Film Inquiry
    February 24, 2017

    The Imitation Game is a wonderful adaptation of his story, full of brilliant performances, an engaging directing style, and an exuberant soundtrack.

    The Straits Times (Singapore)
    November 15, 2016

    A strong supporting cast, including Matthew Goode as crypto-analyst Hugh Alexander, Mark Strong as spymaster Stewart Menzies and Charles Dance as head of the codebreaking unit Alastair Denniston, are given tragically little screen time.

    The Herald (Ireland)
    November 15, 2016

    The Imitation Game is a classic 'race against time' tale with the added intrigue of how the authorities would deign to use the information they had once Enigma had been cracked.

    Irish Independent
    November 15, 2016

    The Imitation Game is a polished and efficient drama, and looks great on a comparatively modest budget of 15 million, especially the loving reconstruction of Alan's beautiful machine.

  • Soundtracks of "The Imitation Game"

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