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    The Ice Cream Truck

    Mary moves back to her suburban hometown, only to find that the suburbs are scarier in more ways than she ever remembered as the Ice Cream Man starts killing some of her neighbors.
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  • Actors of "The Ice Cream Truck"

  • Directors of "The Ice Cream Truck"

    Megan Freels Johnston. Director of The Ice Cream Truck
    Megan Freels Johnston
  • Creators of "The Ice Cream Truck"

    Megan Freels Johnston. Director of The Ice Cream Truck
    Megan Freels Johnston
  • Critic Reviews of "The Ice Cream Truck"

    Los Angeles Times
    August 17, 2017

    While writer-director Megan Freels Johnston makes some unusual choices that set her film apart from run-of-the-mill low-budget horror, too much of her movie feels warmed-over.

    August 11, 2017

    ''Ice Cream Truck" goes down rather easy, the clashing tactics holding a perverse charm when the pacing or story focus seems to drift for minutes at a time.

    Hollywood Reporter
    August 10, 2017

    This truck never gets into gear, and will have a very hard time tempting moviegoers on either large or small screens.

    One Guy's Opinion
    August 18, 2017

    Whatever ambitions Johnston might have had for the picture, they aren't realized on the screen.

    WBAI Radio
    August 18, 2017

    A scary world filled with everyday, distinctly frightening stuff for women in the real world yet to be mined as fuel for horror in movies - who knew. And kicking in a new and different kaleidoscope of bizarre, amusing and unconventional at the same time.

    Lyles' Movie Files
    August 17, 2017

    A thriller featuring a flirty May/December romance competing with a standard slasher horror film makes for a bad (and boring) combination.

    August 15, 2017

    It's an odd amalgamation of cinematic tropes that never properly gels.

    August 07, 2017

    A middle-aged woman who had married young and yearns to re-live her high-school days gets more than she bargained for at the hands of a horny 18-year-old and an old-fashioned ice cream man.

    Dread Central
    August 02, 2017

    Despite the titular killer, this is very much [Deanna Russo's] movie... The Ice Cream Truck delivers more than just two scoops of lunacy covered in psychotic nuts and sprinkles. Chill out, and eat it up!

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