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    The Grand Seduction

    A small fishing village must procure a local doctor to secure a lucrative business contract. When unlikely candidate and big city doctor Paul Lewis lands in their lap for a trial residence, the townsfolk rally together to charm him into staying. 
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  • Actors of "The Grand Seduction"

  • Characters of "The Grand Seduction"

    Germain Lesage. Character of The Grand Seduction
    Dr. Lewis. Character of The Grand Seduction
    Played by: Taylor Kitsch
    Lucie Giroux. Character of The Grand Seduction
    Played by: Carly Boone
    Voix de Brigitte. Character of The Grand Seduction
    Played by: Anna Hopkins
    H. Character of The Grand Seduction
    Played by: Rhonda Rodgers
  • Directors of "The Grand Seduction"

    Don McKellar. Director of The Grand Seduction
    Don McKellar
    Birthdate: 17 August 1963, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • Creators of "The Grand Seduction"

    Ken Scott. Director of The Grand Seduction
    Ken Scott
    Michael Dowse. Director of The Grand Seduction
    Michael Dowse
    Birthdate: 19 April 1973, London, Ontario, Canada
  • Critic Reviews of "The Grand Seduction"

    Los Angeles Times
    December 23, 2014

    The remake never manages to drum up much excitement for its sleepy hamlet rousing or for its characters, finally filled with purpose.

    Time Out
    August 29, 2014

    The filmmakers hope for a fable-like charm rather than gritty credibility, but the whole thing feels as cynical as the villagers' convoluted mission.

    Arizona Republic
    June 19, 2014

    Thanks to its cast, "The Grand Seduction" turns out to be, if not exactly groundbreaking, at least agreeable, comfortable fun.

    Detroit News
    June 13, 2014

    It's all very sweet. And a big stretch.

    Philadelphia Inquirer
    June 13, 2014

    Loved Local Hero? Charmed by Waking Ned Devine? Then go watch Local Hero and Waking Ned Devine.

    Seattle Times
    June 12, 2014

    So intricately plotted and unlikely that it verges on the exotic, "The Grand Seduction" is nevertheless a hoot.

    The Coast (Halifax, Nova Scotia)
    March 10, 2017

    The Grand Seduction is good-looking, well-cast and funny like an old CBC comedy. Totally fine.

    The Film Stage
    June 06, 2016

    An old-fashioned ode to small-town working class values that moonlights as a screwball comedy.

    The Skinny
    January 06, 2015

    If McKellar could have just injected some of the eccentricity of his brilliant debut, Last Night, into proceedings we might have had an Ealing-esque social farce. Instead we're left with a comedy that's wry but prosaic.

    Observer (UK)
    August 31, 2014

    At best, this aspires to the whimsical charm of Local Hero; at worst, it simply steals from it.

    Irish Times
    August 29, 2014

    This is all about duels between rugged veterans. Cheery Gleeson and craggy Gordon Pinset steal the show.

    August 29, 2014

    Though ultimately a somewhat forgettable feature film, The Grand Seduction does have a lot of heart and a certain charm to it which makes for an easy, gratifying experience.

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