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    The Good Lie

    A young man and three friends won a lottery. They decided to resettle in the United States after the civil war in Sudan. First time entering the modern world, they met an American woman who was tasked to help them find jobs. However, he was not only young people grappling with new life to adapt, but he also abandoned his brother.  
    Duration: 110 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2014
    IMDb: 7.4
    (1) Voted
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  • Actors of "The Good Lie"

  • Characters of "The Good Lie"

    Carrie Davis. Character of The Good Lie
    Jack. Character of The Good Lie
    Played by: Corey Stoll
  • Directors of "The Good Lie"

    Philippe Falardeau. Director of The Good Lie
    Philippe Falardeau
    Birthdate: 1 February 1968, Hull, Québec, Canada
  • Creators of "The Good Lie"

    Margaret Nagle. Director of The Good Lie
    Margaret Nagle
    Birthdate: 12 January 1961, Berkeley, California, USA
  • Critic Reviews of "The Good Lie"

    October 26, 2014

    There's a sense that The Good Lie wants to say something profound but the message is as muddled as its delineation of history is.

    Chicago Reader
    October 23, 2014

    The main characters are played by actual refugees-two of whom were child soldiers-and their uninflected, authoritative performances compensate for the feel-good simplifications of Margaret Nagle's script.

    Minneapolis Star Tribune
    October 16, 2014

    A well-told tale that illuminates the experiences of the 20,000 "lost boys" (and girls) of Sudan, with such grace, insight and humor, it can be forgiven a few simplifying liberties taken in the name of moving the narrative along.

    TIME Magazine
    October 16, 2014

    If a moviegoer can't cry for the great tragedy of these Sudanese children, and be touched by their small victories, then who on earth deserves our tears and cheers?

    San Diego Reader
    October 15, 2014

    If a measure of tasteful restraint is detectable, it serves at least to allow for the depiction of human emotion instead of the market-driven blandification of history.

    Rolling Stone
    October 03, 2014

    It's often earnest to a fault and fearful of its deeper, darker implications. Still, you won't leave The Good Lie unmoved. Its heart really is in the right place,

    The Film Stage
    March 12, 2016

    A credible, engaging and beautiful moral drama that is unusually smart for a Hollywood studio picture.

    Today's Zaman (Turkey)
    March 01, 2016

    This is humble and subtle filmmaking and is a must watch.

    Observer (UK)
    April 26, 2015

    Strong performances from Arnold Oceng, Ger Duany and Emmanuel Jal ensure that the characters of Mamere, Jeremiah and Paul are never reduced to "exotic" victimhood.

    Irish Times
    April 25, 2015

    A Unesco educational resource cast in the style of an unreconstructed 1970s sitcom.

    Daily Express (UK)
    April 24, 2015

    The bond between Carrie and these "lost boys" makes for a sincere, simplistic and poignant tale.

  • Soundtracks of "The Good Lie"

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