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    The Face of Love

    The film concentrates on Nikki is a widow falls for a man who seems to be her dead husband of duplicate. He is similar from the blue eyes to passions for art. She hides the real reason which makes her love him. Will she can keep secret forever?
    Duration: 92 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2013
    IMDb: 6.2
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  • Actors of "The Face of Love"

  • Characters of "The Face of Love"

    Nikki. Character of The Face of Love
    Played by: Annette Bening
    Garret Mathis. Character of The Face of Love
    Played by: Ed Harris
    Roger. Character of The Face of Love
    Played by: Robin Williams
  • Directors of "The Face of Love"

    Arie Posin. Director of The Face of Love
    Arie Posin
  • Creators of "The Face of Love"

    Matthew McDuffie. Director of The Face of Love
    Matthew McDuffie
    Arie Posin. Director of The Face of Love
    Arie Posin
  • Critic Reviews of "The Face of Love"

    Globe and Mail
    April 18, 2014

    The Face of Love's story runs and blotches like cheap mascara.

    Toronto Star
    April 17, 2014

    Many are going to find the plot questionable and the protagonist's actions deplorable. But for those who've experienced loss and grief that seems irreparable, it is a film that will strike a deep and melancholy chord.

    Detroit News
    April 10, 2014

    Old age, romance, grief, delusion and desperation all intersect in "The Face of Love," a far-fetched tale that nevertheless manages to be affecting.

    Seattle Times
    March 27, 2014

    What's mesmerizing here is what happens in Bening's eyes, in her complicated smiles, in her eloquent quiet.

    Washington Post
    March 27, 2014

    Bening and Harris are great actors, and they fill their roles as completely as they can, given the limitations of the soggy and implausible script by Matthew McDuffie and director Arie Posin.

    St. Louis Post-Dispatch
    March 27, 2014

    Like so much about this film, the finale hints at Hitchcock but settles for soap opera.

    The Film Stage
    June 21, 2016

    The Face of Love quickly accumulates emotional subplots that distract from this central idea.

    Movie Talk
    January 11, 2015

    Bening and Harris pour so much genuine emotion into their roles in this Vertigo-like romantic melodrama that they just about carry the film's fanciful premise.

    December 24, 2014

    Both leads take on the task of the dysfunctional couple admirably, but their efforts crash against a stubbornly creaky script.

    Independent (UK)
    December 12, 2014

    The actors, though, lift the material. The most poignant performance comes from the late Robin Williams in a cameo as Nikki's neighbour and friend.
    December 12, 2014

    Middle-aged romances are rare on the big screen, so it's frustrating that this one is so badly compromised by a series of contrived plot points.

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