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    The Delta Force

    Based on the real incident of a hijacking of a TWA plane in Athens that was successfully negotiated to a conclusion, this fictional version has the covert Delta Force leader Colonel Nick Alexander team up with Major Scott McCoy to conquer the bad guys by violence.
    Duration: 125 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 1986
    IMDb: 5.6
    (2) Voted
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  • Actors of "The Delta Force"

  • Characters of "The Delta Force"

    Maj. Scott McCoy. Character of The Delta Force
    Played by: Chuck Norris
    Col. Nick Alexander. Character of The Delta Force
    Played by: Lee Marvin
    Ingrid. Character of The Delta Force
    Gen. Woodbridge. Character of The Delta Force
    Played by: Robert Vaughn
    Edie Kaplan. Character of The Delta Force
  • Directors of "The Delta Force"

    Menahem Golan. Director of The Delta Force
    Menahem Golan
    Birthdate: 31 May 1929, Tiberias, Palestine [now Israel]
  • Creators of "The Delta Force"

    James Bruner. Director of The Delta Force
    James Bruner
    Menahem Golan. Director of The Delta Force
    Menahem Golan
    Birthdate: 31 May 1929, Tiberias, Palestine [now Israel]
  • Critic Reviews of "The Delta Force"
    February 14, 2006

    Works equally well as a tense, powerful hostage drama and a rousing action film. The Delta Force gets my vote as Chuck Norris' best movie.

    Spirituality and Practice
    August 25, 2004

    One has to question the excessive carnage of the finale and its celebration of the eye-for-an-eye ethic.
    July 25, 2002

    Half-disaster, half-action low-budget cheese that's still fairly entertaining in spots.

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