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    The Cured [Sub: Eng]

    A disease that turns people into zombies has been cured. The once-infected zombies are discriminated against by society and their own families, which causes social issues to arise. This leads to militant government interference.
    Duration: 95 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2017
    IMDb: 5.6
    (10) Voted
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  • Actors of "The Cured [Sub: Eng]"

  • Characters of "The Cured [Sub: Eng]"

    Abbie. Character of The Cured [Sub: Eng]
    Senan. Character of The Cured [Sub: Eng]
    Played by: Sam Keeley
  • Critic Reviews of "The Cured [Sub: Eng]"

    Houston Chronicle
    March 21, 2018

    At its best, it has the provocative cunning of a "Black Mirror" episode. Unfortunately, "The Cured" becomes less cerebral and more predictably action-oriented in its third act .

    San Diego Reader
    March 16, 2018

    The feelings are right, and that's very much the main thing.

    New York Observer
    March 08, 2018

    Debut director David Freyne has obviously seen entirely too many George Romero movies for his own good.

    San Francisco Chronicle
    March 05, 2018

    It's not that writer-director David Freyne is incapable of finesse - "The Cured" has long and affecting passages marked more by sadness and melancholy than horror - but he seems to have misjudged the overtone here.

    March 01, 2018

    "The Cured" drops the politics to become a straight-up zombie flick not nearly as intriguing, though no doubt better for box office.
    February 23, 2018

    The Cured is going to be a genre film to beat in 2018.

    Sunday Times (UK)
    May 14, 2018

    The gory details of this imagined world are just too specific to have any resonance. We're left with a solemn yet pulpy horror flick.

    Daily Express (UK)
    May 12, 2018

    Tense, creepy and layered with historical parallels, this could be the horror film of the year.

    Empire Magazine
    May 12, 2018

    Suspenseful and thought-provoking, The Cured is a serious, engaged horror movie. More upsetting than scary, it ratchets up the tension unsettlingly. There's life in zombies yet.

    May 11, 2018

    My tolerance for zombie acting and zombie drama in the style of Danny Boyle's 28 Days Later is never all that high, and the tropes are a bit familiar here.

    Times (UK)
    May 10, 2018

    Struggles to move beyond genre clichés.

    Eye for Film
    May 09, 2018

    Though it doesn't quite achieve its potential, The Cured is troubling as any exploration of such subjects should be. It is also timely and humane.

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