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    The A-Team

    A group of Iraq War veterans looks to clear their name with the U.S. military, who suspect the four men of committing a crime for which they were framed.
    Duration: 117 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2010
    IMDb: 6.7
    (6) Voted
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  • Actors of "The A-Team"

  • Characters of "The A-Team"

    Col. John 'Hannibal' Smith. Character of The A-Team
    Played by: Liam Neeson
    Templeton 'Faceman' Peck. Character of The A-Team
    Played by: Bradley Cooper
    Charissa Sosa. Character of The A-Team
    Played by: Jessica Biel
    Sgt. Bosco 'B.A.' Baracus. Character of The A-Team
    H.M. 'Howling Mad' Murdock. Character of The A-Team
    Played by: Sharlto Copley
    Lynch. Character of The A-Team
    Played by: Patrick Wilson
    General Morrison. Character of The A-Team
    Played by: Gerald McRaney
    Director McCready. Character of The A-Team
    Played by: Henry Czerny
    General Javier Tuco. Character of The A-Team
    Played by: Yul Vazquez
    Pike Goon #2. Character of The A-Team
    Played by: Brian Bloom
    Gammons. Character of The A-Team
    Played by: Maury Sterling
    Ravech. Character of The A-Team
    Played by: Terry Chen
    Chopshop Jay. Character of The A-Team
    Played by: Omari Hardwick
    Oskar Shunt. Character of The A-Team
    Played by: David Hugghins
    Agent Blair. Character of The A-Team
    Played by: Jacob Blair
    Agent Daly. Character of The A-Team
    Played by: Rad Daly
    Agent Kyle. Character of The A-Team
    Crazy Howard Little. Character of The A-Team
    Played by: Stefan Arngrim
    Mike 'The Operator'. Character of The A-Team
    Played by: Joe Carnahan
  • Directors of "The A-Team"

    Joe Carnahan. Director of The A-Team
    Joe Carnahan
    Birthdate: 9 May 1969, Sacramento, California, USA
  • Creators of "The A-Team"

    Joe Carnahan. Director of The A-Team
    Joe Carnahan
    Birthdate: 9 May 1969, Sacramento, California, USA
    Brian Bloom. Director of The A-Team
    Brian Bloom
    Birthdate: 30 June 1970, Long Island, New York, USA
  • Critic Reviews of "The A-Team"

    Joshua Rothkopf Time Out
    July 06, 2010

    No oneâ(TM)s coming to a big-screen version of the lunkheaded TV show expecting The Hurt Locker. But would it have killed the editors to let a single shot breathe for more than two seconds?

    James Berardinelli ReelViews
    July 06, 2010

    Had the action sequences been better framed and presented, this might have been one of the summer's mindless high points. As it is, it's a passable diversion.

    Peter Rainer Christian Science Monitor
    June 18, 2010

    Let's just be thankful that Carnahan, instead of redoing "The A-Team," didn't remake "Gandhi." The Ganges would have run red. Pacifism is for wussies.

    A.O. Scott At the Movies
    June 14, 2010

    I was not charmed by it.

    Amy Nicholson I.E. Weekly
    June 11, 2010

    Heavy on biceps and aggression and -- crucially -- the zinging chemistry between its four leads

    Dana Stevens Slate
    June 11, 2010

    The A-Team is utterly convinced of its own lovability even as it strains our credibility, abuses our patience, and punishes our eardrums.

    John Hanlon Big Hollywood
    December 25, 2012

    "The A-Team" combines over-the-top action scenes with lifeless jokes and the disappointing result is an uninspired action comedy."

    Jeff Beck
    October 01, 2012

    This is not exactly a great film, but it is quite an entertaining one. If you're looking for a fun popcorn flick, then you don't need to look any further.

    Michael Dequina
    February 18, 2012

    The expression 'brainless summer blockbuster' is often used as a pejorative, but energetic and entertaining popcorn like this shows that that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

    Greg Maki Star-Democrat (Easton, MD)
    November 05, 2011

    Mildly amusing is the best I can say for the film.

    Ed Whitfield The Ooh Tray
    June 30, 2011

    The Eighties should sue.

    Jason Best Movie Talk
    March 10, 2011

    Joe Carnahan shows how the film's titular bad-ass heroes become rogue fighters, but takes an age to do so. The TV show's opening credits managed the same feat in around 20 seconds.

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