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    The movie is about a rescue patrol of a medical ship which is in deep space. There are six members in that ship. But when their vessel answer an emergency signal from a distant galaxy, the crew finds itself in danger from the mysterious young man that they rescue.
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  • Actors of "Supernova"

  • Characters of "Supernova"

    Nick Vanzant. Character of Supernova
    Played by: James Spader
    Dr. Kaela Evers. Character of Supernova
    Played by: Angela Bassett
    A.J. Marley. Character of Supernova
    Played by: Robert Forster
    Yerzy Penalosa. Character of Supernova
    Karl Larson. Character of Supernova
    Danika Lund. Character of Supernova
    Played by: Robin Tunney
    Benj Sotomejor. Character of Supernova
    Played by: Wilson Cruz
    Troy Larson. Character of Supernova
    Played by: Knox White
  • Directors of "Supernova"

    Walter Hill. Director of Supernova
    Walter Hill
    Birthdate: 10 January 1940, Long Beach, California, USA
  • Creators of "Supernova"

    William Malone. Director of Supernova
    William Malone
    Birthdate: 1953, Lansing, Michigan, USA
    Daniel Chuba. Director of Supernova
    Daniel Chuba
  • Critic Reviews of "Supernova"

    Desmond Ryan Philadelphia Inquirer
    January 01, 2000

    It's hard to watch Supernova without recalling that wonderful Israeli definition of a camel - a horse that's been assembled by a committee.

    John Monaghan Detroit Free Press
    January 01, 2000

    A crash course from the start.

    Al Brumley Dallas Morning News
    January 01, 2000

    A super bore.

    Jeff Millar Houston Chronicle
    January 01, 2000


    Godfrey Cheshire Variety
    January 01, 2000

    Appears headed for a deep-space rendezvous with audience indifference.

    Michael Atkinson Mr. Showbiz
    January 01, 2000

    A Frankenstein monster, with more obvious story patches, post-dubbed exposition, and missing money shots than most straight-to-video fare.

    Chuck O'Leary Fantastica Daily
    October 10, 2005

    If the 20 minutes of deleted scenes on the DVD had been inserted back into the actual film, Supernova would have been much better.

    Chuck Rudolph Matinee Magazine
    February 21, 2002

    Hill disciples will no doubt find it a fascinating film.

    James Kendrick Q Network Film Desk
    February 27, 2001

    a half-baked science fiction rip-off that manages to be both excruciatingly simplistic and utterly incoherent at the same time

    Steve Rhodes Internet Reviews
    January 01, 2000

    One suspects that most of the people associated with this film will be filled with regret that they ever had anything to do with it.

    Jonathan Lewis Gay Chicago Magazine
    January 01, 2000

    The script probably got sucked into a black hole.

    Randall King Winnipeg Sun
    January 01, 2000

    Supernova meekly goes where other sci-fi flicks, such as Alien, have gone before.

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