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    After his wife leaves him, a fry cook emulates a TV superhero and transforms himself into a costumed vigilante. With the help from a crazed sidekick and absolutely nothing in the way of superpowers, he beats his way through the mean streets of crime in hopes of saving his wife.
    Duration: 96 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2010
    IMDb: 6.7
    (5) Voted
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    lofas Anonymous
    Super is totally awesome! It's like a retarded John Wick with a pipe wrench instead of guns. Look at all the A list actors who jumped at the chance to do this really low budget movie in about 45 days. This truly an original film, not a Hollywood knock off or third sequel. Just get your popcorn and have fun.
    2019-06-17 00:06
    Kobayushi #1 Movies Online user
    NOT A COMEDY. If you want something legitly funny, it's not this. This is weird, sad, depressing, and VERY violent. If you want a good old fashioned comedy, something just for laughs, I repeat DO NOT watch this. This is not your relaxing on the couch, turning on a funny movie, sort of deal. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED
    2018-06-17 01:06

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  • Actors of "Super"

  • Characters of "Super"

    Frank D'Arbo. Character of Super
    Played by: Rainn Wilson
    Libby. Character of Super
    Sarah. Character of Super
    Played by: Liv Tyler
    Jacques. Character of Super
    Played by: Kevin Bacon
    Abe. Character of Super
    Played by: Michael Rooker
    Mr. Range. Character of Super
    Played by: Don Mac
    The Holy Avenger. Character of Super
    Played by: Nathan Fillion
    911 Man. Character of Super
    Played by: Lloyd Kaufman
  • Directors of "Super"

    James Gunn. Director of Super
    James Gunn
    Birthdate: 5 August 1970, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
  • Creators of "Super"

    James Gunn. Director of Super
    James Gunn
    Birthdate: 5 August 1970, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
  • Critic Reviews of "Super"

    Time Out
    July 06, 2011

    Offers genuine empathy with the put-upon protagonist's longing for justice, yet plays the bloody ramifications for cartoonish fun.

    Detroit News
    April 15, 2011

    Super just doesn't fly.

    Chicago Reader
    April 15, 2011

    This movie is too pedestrian for camp, and too scattershot for an action comedy.

    St. Louis Post-Dispatch
    April 15, 2011

    "Super" could use the certitude of its hero, but the weapon it wields instead is a scalpel to see what's inside us.

    Seattle Times
    April 14, 2011

    A sense of style can make up for a lot at the movies. But James Gunn's brutal new comedy-thriller, "Super," succeeds only in demonstrating that without it, you may not have much of anything.

    Philadelphia Inquirer
    April 14, 2011

    Could be endearing, if Wilson's performance weren't so nihilistically dull, and if there were somebody in the picture who had a soul.

    Philadelphia Weekly
    May 03, 2015

    If I hadn't foolishly gone and saw Sucker Punch a couple weeks ago, this would be the worst film of the year.

    We Got This Covered
    June 02, 2013

    Great dark humor and enjoyable performances make this one a winner. Surprisingly, the animated sequences also work quite well.

    Tribune News Service
    January 10, 2013

    The graphic violence spatters along for an hour and a half until we reach that point when writer-director James Gunn says, "That's all I've got" and basically gives up.
    September 25, 2012

    [Not] an easily digestible movie but this is ... the point - in a world where everything isn't as cut and dry as 'good versus evil', rationality is increasingly rare.

    January 29, 2012

    Super can be very affecting and emotionally disturbing, which might not suit everyone's tastes, but it's also an absorbing, bleak and sometimes funny deviation from the usual superhero fodder.

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