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    Still Alice

    Alice Howland is a renowned linguistics professor happily married with three grown children. All that begins to change when she is diagnosed with Early-onset Alzheimer';s Disease, Alice and her family';s lives face a harrowing challenge as this terminal degenerative neurological ailment slowly progresses to an inevitable conclusion they all dread. Along the way, Alice struggles to not only to fight the inner decay, but to make the most of her remaining time to find the love and peace to make simply living worthwhile.
    Duration: 101 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2014
    IMDb: 7.5
    (4) Voted
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  • Actors of "Still Alice"

  • Characters of "Still Alice"

    Alice Howland. Character of Still Alice
    Played by: Julianne Moore
    Anna Howland-Jones. Character of Still Alice
    Played by: Kate Bosworth
    Charlie Howland-Jones. Character of Still Alice
    Played by: Shane McRae
    Tom Howland. Character of Still Alice
    Played by: Hunter Parrish
    John Howland. Character of Still Alice
    Played by: Alec Baldwin
    Lydia Howland. Character of Still Alice
  • Directors of "Still Alice"

    Richard Glatzer. Director of Still Alice
    Richard Glatzer
    Birthdate: 28 January 1952, Flushing, Queens, New York City, New York, USA
    Wash Westmoreland. Director of Still Alice
    Wash Westmoreland
    Birthdate: 4 March 1966, Leeds, England, UK
  • Creators of "Still Alice"

    Richard Glatzer. Director of Still Alice
    Richard Glatzer
    Birthdate: 28 January 1952, Flushing, Queens, New York City, New York, USA
    Wash Westmoreland. Director of Still Alice
    Wash Westmoreland
    Birthdate: 4 March 1966, Leeds, England, UK
  • Critic Reviews of "Still Alice"

    Seattle Times
    January 29, 2015

    While it's no surprise that Moore is so good, "Still Alice" has an unexpected trick up its sleeve: the sweetly gentle performance of Kristen Stewart, as Alice's actress daughter Lydia.

    January 29, 2015

    A modest drama, but Moore's heart-wrenching and Oscar-nominated performance makes this a must-see.

    Miami Herald
    January 29, 2015

    The movie is harrowing, as any story about Alzheimer's should be, but Moore gives it an extra layer of gravity and heartbreaking inevitability.

    Denver Post
    January 23, 2015

    Sorrow-laden and moving, Still Alice isn't gratuitously grim nor is it easily sentimental. There's humor here -- vaguely gallows-like, perhaps but also earned.

    Philadelphia Inquirer
    January 23, 2015

    The great strength of the film is that it never resorts to cheap sentimentality. The facts themselves are hard enough, crushing enough.

    Globe and Mail
    January 23, 2015

    Still Alice is accurate and compassionate, and anyone who has known someone with Alzheimer's will appreciate the film's sincere intentions.

    Film Inquiry
    May 11, 2017

    Still Alice is a close-to-heartbreaking portrait of mental illness and a genuinely effecting character study.

    Bust Magazine
    March 08, 2017

    Polished but forgettable.

    Film Comment Magazine
    February 15, 2017

    It's the intent of this moving film to capture something that for obvious reasons is rarely attempted in memoir or movie, i.e., the experience of the deadly disease from the perspective of the sufferer rather than the caregivers.

    The Straits Times (Singapore)
    September 13, 2016

    The performances prevent the film from becoming totally generic.

    The Coast (Halifax, Nova Scotia)
    July 14, 2016

    Kristen Stewart, fresh off the weird festival entry Clouds of Sils Maria with Juliette Binoche, is just as good here as ultimately the only unselfish member of this disappointing family. But come and stay for Moore, an actor for this and all ages.

    Epoch Times
    June 13, 2016

    70 percent portrait of a disease/30 percent family drama, recommended as preparation/demystification for Alzheimer's-affected families, and for fans of both Moore and Stewart.

  • Soundtracks of "Still Alice"

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