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    Damian Hale, who was a billionaire, rarely lives with his daughter - Claireva. Standing before the cancer, which can not be cured, Damian decided to find a new medicine called 'exact change' in order to sustain life. Professor Albright helped Damian complete this desire when trying to join Damian's brain into the body of a healthy guy.
    Duration: 117 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2015
    IMDb: 6.5
    (7) Voted
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  • Actors of "Self/less"

  • Characters of "Self/less"

    Damian. Character of Self/less
    Played by: Ryan Reynolds
    Madeline. Character of Self/less
    Tony. Character of Self/less
    Played by: Dylan Lowe
  • Directors of "Self/less"

    Tarsem Singh. Director of Self/less
    Tarsem Singh
    Birthdate: 26 May 1961, India
  • Creators of "Self/less"

    Àlex Pastor. Director of Self/less
    Àlex Pastor
    Birthdate: 13 March 1981, Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
    David Pastor. Director of Self/less
    David Pastor
    Birthdate: 25 July 1978, Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
  • Critic Reviews of "Self/less"

    Time Out
    July 13, 2015

    A sci-fi thriller so derivative of John Frankenheimer's masterfully paranoid Seconds it would be more accurate to call it Thirds, Tarsem Singh's Self/less is a generic waste of a clever idea.

    Globe and Mail
    July 13, 2015

    Tarsem Singh has a reputation for making movies that are visually stunning but woefully inert and convoluted in their storytelling (see The Cell and The Fall). Singh's most recent film, Self/less, lives up to at least half of that reputation.

    New York Magazine/Vulture
    July 12, 2015

    What starts out as an interesting exploration of identity soon gives way to the uninspired, generic action flick we had feared it always was.

    July 12, 2015

    Deep under the skin of this shrug of a movie is a solid metaphor rooted in an appealing fantasy.

    L.A. Weekly
    July 09, 2015

    Self/less is so restrained that I wonder if somebody stole Tarsem Singh's body, too.

    Film Inquiry
    January 09, 2017

    Self/Less is a film which is watchable to a degree, if you ignore the overall plot and have it on in the background.

    Japan Times
    August 31, 2016

    The story never manages to convince us that Damian may be at times changing because of some residual sense of Mark, and it never defines the moment when Damian decides to become a decent human being.

    April 17, 2016

    Part debacle, part footnote, sure to remind viewers of the better films they could be watching if they weren't such lousy decision makers.

    April 05, 2016

    Favouring style-over-substance, there are no real or meaningful contributions to the sci-fi cause in Self/less which ends up being a forgettable affair.

    Today's Zaman (Turkey)
    March 01, 2016

    There is no spark, identity or glimmer of freshness in this film. Let's put it this way, it has no sense of "self."

    The Film Stage
    February 22, 2016

    A slick, but dated and hollow jaunt through the ripple effects of over-reaching technology and the questions of morality that accompany such power.

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