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    Secret in Their Eyes

    Rising FBI investigators Ray and Jess, along with Claire, their district-attorney supervisor, are suddenly torn apart when they discover that one of their own teenage daughters has been brutally murdered.
    Duration: 111 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2015
    IMDb: 6.3
    (5) Voted
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    FVP Anonymous
    I did like this movie when it came out, only to find out it's a remake of the Argentinian movie Los Secretos De Sus Ojos which is much better. Endings are similar.
    2017-12-27 16:12

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  • Actors of "Secret in Their Eyes"

  • Characters of "Secret in Their Eyes"

    Benjam. Character of Secret in Their Eyes
    Irene Men. Character of Secret in Their Eyes
    Played by: Nicole Kidman
    Jess. Character of Secret in Their Eyes
    Played by: Julia Roberts
    Martin Morales. Character of Secret in Their Eyes
    Played by: Alfred Molina
  • Directors of "Secret in Their Eyes"

    Billy Ray. Director of Secret in Their Eyes
    Billy Ray
  • Creators of "Secret in Their Eyes"

    Billy Ray. Director of Secret in Their Eyes
    Billy Ray
    Juan José Campanella. Director of Secret in Their Eyes
    Juan José Campanella
    Birthdate: 19 July 1959, Capital Federal, Argentina
  • Critic Reviews of "Secret in Their Eyes"

    San Diego Reader
    December 03, 2015

    An English-language remake of Juan José Campanella's far superior Argentinian thriller.

    Time Out
    November 24, 2015

    Can we believe that police officers would let a psychopathic rapist and murderer go free in the name of fighting homegrown terrorism? As an allegory for human-rights abuses during the War on Terror, it's a non-starter.

    Toronto Sun
    November 20, 2015

    It's Julia Roberts who owns the movie. As the grieving Jess, a woman reduced to a shadow by the death of her daughter, Roberts is a revelation here.

    November 20, 2015

    A dream-team cast is wasted in this contrived and morose crime thriller.

    Entertainment Weekly
    November 20, 2015

    Essentially a grim procedural with too many moments of untapped potential and a moderately shocking twist.

    Chicago Sun-Times
    November 20, 2015

    What DOESN'T get lost in translation is what made "El Secreto De Sus Ojos" so effective: the visceral, devastating empathy we feel when a horrible injustice is committed and it ruins multiple lives.

    Ozus' World Movie Reviews
    March 25, 2017

    Its main problem is that it fails to generate suspense, excitement or the right mood despite its A-lister cast.

    The Mary Sue
    January 10, 2017

    Just because a movie is downbeat or depressing doesn't make it deeper than movies with more style. Sometimes it makes a movie downright shallow.

    Brooklyn Magazine
    December 09, 2016

    In this rendering, the story seems like little more than a made-for-TV kitchen-sink job about obsession... If there's a political message... it is hackneyed as well as crudely and artlessly delivered.

    Irish Independent
    December 05, 2016

    All the glamour and intrigue of that original film is gone, and Secret in their Eyes proves that throwing movie stars at a story is not always the best way to tell it.
    August 22, 2016

    This remake was a welcome punch to the gut I couldn't help but be moderately impressed by

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