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    Sabotaging the Squad (Cheer, Drama, Murder)

    Recent widow and single mom to teenager Arielle (Lauren Mayo), Missy (Meyon Jacobs) is ready to take over as head coach of Arielle's cheer squad, the 360s. But the other cheer moms are resistant to a change in regime, especially Darlene (Olivia Buckle), who has been vying for the top job ever since becoming interim coach following the previous coach's apparent suicide. With the help of her friend and assistant coach, Gemma (Brittany Goodwin), Missy does her best to ignore the cheer moms and focus on getting her cheerleaders ready for competition. But strange things begin to happen that sabotage all her efforts-from the team uniform order being canceled right before the squad's first competition, to Missy being locked in a garage and nearly missing a critical meet. As more incidents occur with increasing intensity, one of the cheer moms dies under mysterious circumstances. With Missy as the prime suspect, she must clear her name while keeping her squad competition ready before anyone else dies.
    Duration: 88 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2023
    IMDb: 5.5
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