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    Roman Polanski: A Film Memoir

    This is a story about master film-maker Roman Polanski through his conversation with Andrew Braunsberg. Roman Polanski also speaks about his life events from the beginning of his career, including story about his business partner, his friend and his life philosophy.
    Duration: 90 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2011
    IMDb: 7.1
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  • Actors of "Roman Polanski: A Film Memoir"

  • Directors of "Roman Polanski: A Film Memoir"

    Laurent Bouzereau. Director of Roman Polanski: A Film Memoir
    Laurent Bouzereau
    Birthdate: 1962, France
  • Critic Reviews of "Roman Polanski: A Film Memoir"

    The Playlist
    November 10, 2013

    Roman Polanski: A Film Memoir is a rare opportunity to hear a master filmmaker speak about his life. Both his haters and fans will agree, it is a highly watchable documentary. But don't expect either group to feel they have heard the whole story.

    Concrete Playground
    February 28, 2013

    There's no doubt Polanski is a major artist, and his fans will probably get a lot out of his recollections, but don't expect any rigorous attention to the ethics of documentary-making. This is a personal exercise in public atonement.

    FILMINK (Australia)
    February 22, 2013

    An intimate and compelling, albeit sympathetic, portrait of this filmmaking legend, whose often tragedy tinged real life story eclipses his extraordinary onscreen work.
    February 22, 2013

    What rises to the surface and sparkles are Polanski's gifts as a raconteur, his fierce intelligence and his guile.

    Empire Magazine Australasia
    February 22, 2013

    A fascinating, if workmanlike, insight into the life of a legend.

    Urban Cinefile
    February 16, 2013

    A fine example of how sympathetic interviewing techniques can result in a probing interview that carries insights and emotion

    September 09, 2012

    There are not many revelations in this docu of Polanski, but it's refreshing that it restores the balance between the director's background and incredibly creative career and the 1977 sex scandal that's dominated the media for decades.

    Film School Rejects
    May 19, 2012

    Sycophancy is an ugly thing at the best of times, and when the subject is shouldering the story-telling burden without it, it's even worse.

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