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    Ringu [Sub: Eng]

    When her niece is found dead along with three friends after viewing a supposedly cursed videotape, reporter Reiko Asakawa (Nanako Matsushima) sets out to investigate. And after having watched it herself, she realizes that she has only a week to find a way to avoid being the next victim.
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  • Actors of "Ringu [Sub: Eng]"

  • Characters of "Ringu [Sub: Eng]"

    Reiko Asakawa. Character of Ringu [Sub: Eng]
    Mai Takano. Character of Ringu [Sub: Eng]
    Played by: Miki Nakatani
    Masami. Character of Ringu [Sub: Eng]
    Played by: Hitomi Satô
    Takashi Yamamura. Character of Ringu [Sub: Eng]
    Played by: Yôichi Numata
    K. Character of Ringu [Sub: Eng]
    Shizuko Yamamura. Character of Ringu [Sub: Eng]
    Played by: Masako
    Sadako. Character of Ringu [Sub: Eng]
    Played by: Rie Ino'o
    Ry. Character of Ringu [Sub: Eng]
  • Directors of "Ringu [Sub: Eng]"

    Hideo Nakata. Director of Ringu [Sub: Eng]
    Hideo Nakata
    Birthdate: 19 July 1961, Okayama, Japan
  • Creators of "Ringu [Sub: Eng]"

    Hiroshi Takahashi. Director of Ringu [Sub: Eng]
    Hiroshi Takahashi
    Kôji Suzuki. Director of Ringu [Sub: Eng]
    Kôji Suzuki
    Birthdate: 13 May 1957, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan
  • Critic Reviews of "Ringu [Sub: Eng]"

    Entertainment Weekly
    October 14, 2014

    If you don't mind, I'm off to the corner of my office to curl into a fetal position and rock slowly.

    AV Club
    October 10, 2012

    Ringu has a minimalist intensity that can stop the heart with a simple flash-cut or a well-timed fillip in the musical score.

    Rolling Stone
    October 10, 2012

    As good as The Ring is, it can't top the original for sheer, shivering terror.

    Time Out
    October 30, 2008

    The finale, too, still feels as twisted, bizarre and down-right nightmarish as it did all those years ago.

    October 07, 2008

    Classically shot, with effective use of stereo sound effects, the movie is almost entirely free of visual horror and the usual Eastern ghost cliches, managing to suspend auds' disbelief in the hokey story through pure atmosphere.

    Village Voice
    September 25, 2007

    Eschewing blood for a sinuous tone of Videodromic dread, Ring forces fear into every cut as a psychic telejournalist counts down the hours till a fatal visitation, while making a gung ho attempt to save her brood.

    London Evening Standard
    October 14, 2014

    Ring put the willies up me, big time.

    Total Film
    October 10, 2012

    A sure, stealthy shocker which certainly primes you for the sequel.

    Sight and Sound
    June 18, 2012

    Director Hideo Nakata manages to strike a genuinely alarming balance between the cultural depths of Japanese folklore and the surface sheen of latter-day teen culture.

    Cinema Crazed
    May 26, 2011

    While the story is engrossing, and the acting top-notch, Hideo Nakata's direction is the primary reason to watch.

    London Evening Standard
    October 31, 2008

    David Cronenberg could perhaps compete with Nakata but unfortunately only lesser mortals have attempted to replicate the feeling that Reiko has plunged into something with which even her psychic powers can't compete.

    October 31, 2008

    Ring has indescribably disturbing moments that frightened me out of my wits. But like many of the Japanese horrors that followed, it sometimes has an elliptic and confusing storytelling style that can make plot-progression muddy.

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