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    Phantom (2013)

    “Phantom” set in the Cold War iss at climax condition. The B756 which is equipped with a series of torpedoes and a strategic ballistic missiles carrying nuclear warheads of Russian led by Captain Dmitri Zubov is missing. Fearing the retaliation from the West, they send the entire fleet supporting B756 to search the submarine and hope that the US and their allies do not find  theshipwreck. But actually the B756 is not missing. Deep below the water surface of the Pacific, Captain Zubov and the sailors discover a plot could destroy all mankind of the US Navy. Zubov decides to block the plot, but the ship is falling into a dangerous situation when the remaining oxygen is very low…
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  • Actors of "Phantom (2013)"

  • Characters of "Phantom (2013)"

    Demi. Character of Phantom (2013)
    Played by: Ed Harris
    Bruni. Character of Phantom (2013)
    Played by: David Duchovny
  • Directors of "Phantom (2013)"

    Todd Robinson. Director of Phantom (2013)
    Todd Robinson
  • Creators of "Phantom (2013)"

    Todd Robinson. Director of Phantom (2013)
    Todd Robinson
  • Critic Reviews of "Phantom (2013)"
    March 03, 2013

    Ed Harris and company can't lift this one off the seafloor, and "Phantom" fades away into the murky mist.

    Newark Star-Ledger
    March 01, 2013

    The film remains mediocre, with flat cinematography and crudely anachronistic dialogue.

    San Francisco Chronicle
    March 01, 2013

    A game effort by a decent cast highlights the old-fashioned submarine thriller "Phantom," but heavy-handed dialogue, flurries of melodrama and a silly ending make the whole enterprise sink like a stone.

    New York Post
    March 01, 2013

    It's not something you want to plunk down $12 for, but just diverting enough to check out when it arrives on Netflix Instant.

    Washington Post
    March 01, 2013

    [Its] admirable air of realism dissipates once Robinson takes viewers outside the sub, where torpedo skirmishes are staged with too-perfect CGI bombast.
    February 28, 2013

    "Phantom" has a pulpy B-movie intensity and economy to match its cast of quality character actors.

    7M Pictures
    July 02, 2013

    When limited by budget, a good independent film turns in on itself and spotlights the actors, and that's where the meat is in this movie.

    Seven Days
    May 22, 2013

    It's fun just to hear the lingo and watch the sailors go about their tasks, but not so fun when the captain's Dark Secret starts giving him cheesy, strobing flashbacks.
    March 29, 2013

    At least it seems to have a working knowledge of submarine procedures and terminology.

    SSG Syndicate
    March 10, 2013

    Inexcusably tedious, resulting in yawning boredom

    East Bay Express
    March 07, 2013

    Scuttle it.

  • Soundtracks of "Phantom (2013)"

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