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    Night of the Demons (2009)

    The movie follows a group of kids go to a Halloween party at New Orleans' infamous Broussard Mansion. Trapped inside the locked mansion gates, they uncover a horrifying secret and soon fall victim to seven vicious, blood-thirsty demons.
    Duration: 93 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2009
    IMDb: 4.7
    (1) Voted
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  • Actors of "Night of the Demons (2009)"

  • Characters of "Night of the Demons (2009)"

    Evangeline Broussard. Character of Night of the Demons (2009)
    Louis Devereaux. Character of Night of the Demons (2009)
    Played by: Michael Arata
    Angela Franklin. Character of Night of the Demons (2009)
    Colin. Character of Night of the Demons (2009)
    Played by: Edward Furlong
  • Directors of "Night of the Demons (2009)"

    Adam Gierasch. Director of Night of the Demons (2009)
    Adam Gierasch
  • Creators of "Night of the Demons (2009)"

    Jace Anderson. Director of Night of the Demons (2009)
    Jace Anderson
    Adam Gierasch. Director of Night of the Demons (2009)
    Adam Gierasch
  • Critic Reviews of "Night of the Demons (2009)"
    January 06, 2011

    A handful of recognizable faces, fair amount of ghoulishness, and peppy can-do attitude can't match the cheese-fueled charm of the faulted-but-fun original.

    Little White Lies
    December 01, 2010

    there are characters about whom we never care, incidents which never grip, and only the occasional moments of creative grand guignol ever raise the viewer's pulse.

    October 22, 2010

    Night of the Demons is far from great. But considering the truly awful, unwatchable direct-to-video horror titles that make their way to retail and rental shelves, it's easily among the best of the bunch.
    October 18, 2010

    When you've missed the nuances of a lipstick-in-boob scene, you know you're lost.
    October 18, 2010

    Certainly inferior to the original Demons, the glossy remake nevertheless has a few shining moments before a case of the low-budget blahs comes to crash the party.

    Cinema Crazed
    October 12, 2010

    A considerably entertaining fast paced horror film you might just enjoy if you give it a chance...

    London Evening Standard
    September 22, 2010

    Edward Furlong plays a depressed, catastrophe-hit loser who goes to a party in a haunted house and is duly pursued by demons. You feel the part wasn't much of a stretch.

    Daily Telegraph (UK)
    September 16, 2010

    A load of overwrought nonsense in which the souls of seven twentysomethings are imperilled when they disturb the undead quietly mouldering in the basement.

    September 16, 2010

    It's machine-tooled for the horror fanbase: brash, slick, yucky -- by-the-numbers stuff.

    Radio Times
    September 16, 2010

    Patience with the braindead script's predictability runs thin as the pacing slackens off and the contrived sickness continually fails to shock.

    Empire Magazine
    September 15, 2010

    As remakes of straight-to-video schlock goes, it's a reasonably entertaining watch.

    Birmingham Post
    September 15, 2010

    A pointless remake...

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