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    Never Goin Back

    Jessie and Angela, high school dropouts, are taking a week off to chill at the beach. Too bad their house got robbed, rent's due, they're about to get fired, and they're broke.
    Duration: 85 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2018
    IMDb: 6.1
    (3) Voted
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  • Actors of "Never Goin Back"

  • Characters of "Never Goin Back"

    Angela. Character of Never Goin Back
    Played by: Maia Mitchell
    Jessie. Character of Never Goin Back
    Played by: Camila Morrone
  • Critic Reviews of "Never Goin Back"

    Minneapolis Star Tribune
    August 16, 2018

    Cheech and Chong, Harold and Kumar, meet your natural heirs Jessie and Angela.

    August 10, 2018

    Augustine Frizzell's debut forces us to spend nearly 90 minutes in the company of two unbearably dumb protagonists.

    San Francisco Chronicle
    August 09, 2018

    "Never Goin' Back" is happily silly and low-down and willing to indulge in gross humor, while presenting a story about friendship and about the consequences of growing up with no money or prospects.

    Washington Post
    August 08, 2018

    "Never Goin' Back" owes much of its watchability to the actresses' natural chemistry. Together, they paint a portrait of adolescent friendship so vibrant that it makes up for much of the movie's structural flaws.

    Los Angeles Times
    August 08, 2018

    Anchored by a pair of effervescent and authentically lived-in performances from Mitchell and Morrone, "Never Goin' Back" is a sweaty, silly summer adventure, and a sincere shout-out to the power of best friendship.

    Chicago Sun-Times
    August 08, 2018

    A rude, crude, rambling, raucous, sometimes quite gross and often very funny and endearing slice of lives we don't often see portrayed on the big screen.

    Splice Today
    September 26, 2018

    Transcends its stoner comedy roots and makes something unique out of them.

    The Stranger (Seattle, WA)
    September 07, 2018

    The smartly dumb Never Goin' Back is a blissfully low-rent comedy that occasionally approaches the rarified, hazy air of the sainted first half of Cheech and Chong's Next Movie. Absolutely no lessons are learned, thankfully.

    KDHX (St. Louis)
    August 27, 2018

    That you have no trouble believing the characters' actions may say something about the actresses' abilities. Neither, however, do you care.

    Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
    August 24, 2018

    You don't often see these characters on screen -- young, financially embarrassed but unashamed women determined to seek their hedonistic bliss while taking neither guff nor notes from the menfolk.

    Rendy Reviews
    August 24, 2018

    Powered by the impeccable chemistry of Mitchell and Morrone and an eclectic debut by writer/director Augustine Frizzell, Never Goin' Back is a laid back summer comedy that makes you eager to see what the mentioned three will do next.

    The ARTery
    August 21, 2018

    Screamingly funny and unexpectedly quite tender. It's like "Beaches," but with bumps of blow and weed butter.

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