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    My Favorite Martian

    Ambitious television reporter Tim O'Hara stumbles upon Martin, a martian whose spaceship has accidentally crashed on Earth, and befriends him. Unaware to Martin, Tim actually wants to reveal him to the world, but can he actually do that?
    Duration: 94 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 1999
    IMDb: 5.1
    (3) Voted
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  • Actors of "My Favorite Martian"

  • Characters of "My Favorite Martian"

    Uncle Martin. Character of My Favorite Martian
    Tim O'Hara. Character of My Favorite Martian
    Played by: Jeff Daniels
    Brace Channing. Character of My Favorite Martian
    Lizzie. Character of My Favorite Martian
    Played by: Daryl Hannah
    Lorelei Brown. Character of My Favorite Martian
    Nurplex Kid. Character of My Favorite Martian
  • Directors of "My Favorite Martian"

    Donald Petrie. Director of My Favorite Martian
    Donald Petrie
    Birthdate: 2 April 1954, New York City, New York, USA
  • Creators of "My Favorite Martian"

    John L. Greene. Director of My Favorite Martian
    John L. Greene
    Birthdate: 10 November 1912, Buffalo, New York, USA
    Sherri Stoner. Director of My Favorite Martian
    Sherri Stoner
    Birthdate: 16 July 1959, Santa Monica, California, USA
  • Critic Reviews of "My Favorite Martian"

    Time Out
    June 24, 2006


    Los Angeles Times
    February 14, 2001

    Walston displays a crisp wit and blithe sense of whimsy otherwise lacking in this loser.
    January 01, 2000

    What we have here is a highly agreeable cast goofing around within the familiar parameters of the alien-lost-on-Earth story, to absolutely no purpose except killing time.

    January 01, 2000

    This is entertainment of the lightest, most inconsequential sort.

    San Francisco Chronicle
    January 01, 2000

    Everything else in the film, which was directed by Donald Petrie, is either cute or irritating.

    New York Times
    January 01, 2000

    Travel from Mars to Earth is an amazing feat, but not much more remarkable than reviving a sitcom that had been dead for a third of a century.

    Common Sense Media
    December 26, 2010

    A terrible movie -- beware.

    Reeling Reviews
    April 09, 2005

    There isn't enough nostalgia for the old series to recommend for any beyond the most juvenile mind-set.
    May 27, 2003

    An utterly pointless and unimaginative remake based on the classic '60s sitcom...a meteoric misfire

    Sight and Sound
    March 03, 2002

    Only the total collapse of Hollywood can save us from a reprise of My Mother the Car.

    Film Journal International
    January 01, 2000

    Doesn't even have the little spark of life that actors with a certain measure of lunacy and chemistry can deliver.
    January 01, 2000

    A clever and well-written screenplay is what saved this thing from being just like any other failure in the remake experiment.

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