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    Mary Magdalene

    Mary is a faithful young girl from the village of Majdalah who ensures the tradition and destiny of women who live only as wife and mother, Mary tries to be free. After refusing to propose marriage to Ephraim, her brother Daniel and her father, Alisha, believe she is holding a demon. In an attempt to find a solution, Elisha asks the help of Jesus, the healer who gains fame among the Jews of the region with his living letters.
    Genre: Drama
    Country: United Kingdom, Australia, United States
    Duration: 120 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2018
    IMDb: 5.9
    (3) Voted
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  • Actors of "Mary Magdalene"

  • Characters of "Mary Magdalene"

    Mary Magdalene. Character of Mary Magdalene
    Played by: Rooney Mara
  • Critic Reviews of "Mary Magdalene"

    Time Out
    March 08, 2018

    It ripples with interesting ideas, but the overall effect is glassy and inert, with Rooney Mara's Mary an oddly elusive presence in the film that carries her name.

    February 27, 2018

    Mary Magdalene only snaps into focus as narrative when we get to Jerusalem, chiefly because it gives these kids something to physically rail against - moneylenders, Judas kisses, Romans, and all. It's a little on the late side, though.

    February 27, 2018

    Other than to show that a woman called Mary who wasn't a prostitute was involved in the final weeks of the Jesus story, I have no idea what the filmmakers wanted for this project. I'm pretty sure they didn't achieve it.

    February 27, 2018

    Hushed, deliberate and realised with considerable care and beauty, the resulting film has its heart entirely in the right place; its pulse, unfortunately, is far harder to locate.

    Shadows on the Wall
    May 18, 2018

    So earnest and reverent that it's just dull.

    ABC Radio Brisbane
    April 11, 2018

    I'll freely admit that I'm not a religious person and perhaps this influences my opinion... but I didn't find Mary Magdalene to be an interesting character.

    El Pais (Spain)
    April 10, 2018

    Rooney Mara is a remarkable actress, suggestive, sober, but her presence does not alleviate in the midst of so much boredom. [Full Review in Spanish]

    Concrete Playground
    April 09, 2018

    An intermittently convincing film about belief, rather than a film to believe in.

    April 04, 2018

    It turns out to be a failed exercise...redundant, slow and schematic. [Full Review in Spanish]

    La Nación (Costa Rica)
    April 03, 2018

    The film is so slow at times it becomes monotonous. [Full Review in Spanish]

    March 29, 2018

    Mary Magdalene here is a woman who fights for what she believes, who moves away from her family to follow Jesus... [Full review in Spanish]

    ABC Radio (Australia)
    March 28, 2018

    A film of little dialogue, almost entirely made of mood. But the mood is pretty magical ... truly depicts how scary it would be to see someone brought back from the dead ... title is a cheat; this is the story of Christ, even if he has less close-ups.

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