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    Lost River

    'Lost River' is a dark fairy tale about love, family and the fight for survival in the face of danger. In the virtually abandoned city of Lost River, Billy (Christina Hendricks), a single mother of two, is led into a macabre underworld in her quest to save her childhood home and hold her family together. Her teenage son Bones (Iain De Casestecker) discovers a mystery about the origins of Lost River that triggers his curiosity and sets into motion an unexpected journey that will test his limits and the limits of those he loves.
    Duration: 95 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2014
    IMDb: 5.7
    (2) Voted
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  • Actors of "Lost River"

  • Characters of "Lost River"

    Billy. Character of Lost River
    Bones. Character of Lost River
    Rat. Character of Lost River
    Played by: Saoirse Ronan
    Bully. Character of Lost River
    Played by: Matt Smith
  • Directors of "Lost River"

    Ryan Gosling. Director of Lost River
    Ryan Gosling
    Birthdate: 12 November 1980, London, Ontario, Canada
  • Creators of "Lost River"

    Ryan Gosling. Director of Lost River
    Ryan Gosling
    Birthdate: 12 November 1980, London, Ontario, Canada
  • Critic Reviews of "Lost River"

    Peter Keough Boston Globe
    May 14, 2015

    Everything ... is painfully obvious or patently nonsensical.

    Brad Wheeler Globe and Mail
    April 24, 2015

    Indulgent and movie-like, Lost River is Gosling's weird, let's-do-this-thing folly. If it is a statement, it is one made by borrowing the vivid styles of the actual filmmakers he seems to admire ...

    Chris Nashawaty Entertainment Weekly
    April 13, 2015

    Ryan Gosling is a tremendously talented actor, but he should really leave the storytelling to someone else.

    Brian Tallerico
    April 10, 2015

    "Lost River" is one of those weird films that I think some people will absolutely adore, grabbing on to its performances, imagery, and ideas, without really caring that they haven't been stitched together in an interesting enough way.

    Mark Olsen Los Angeles Times
    April 09, 2015

    "Lost River" is indeed a mess, but it's the best mess possible, an evocative grab-bag of images and moods with a heartfelt sincerity and conflicting impulses of romantic melancholy and hardscrabble hopefulness.

    Peter Labuza The Film Stage
    June 06, 2016

    Lost River is little more than "cool shots, bro."

    Jason Bailey Flavorwire
    May 28, 2016

    While 'Lost River' might not be a model of narrative efficiency, it's got more striking moments and memorable images than a season of studio product.

    Theresa Smith Independent Online (South Africa)
    March 04, 2016

    Either you will hate it for being pretentiously artsy or love it as a mesmerising mess.

    Sam Bathe Fan The Fire
    February 26, 2016

    Lost River is a hugel y impressive debut, even if it is ultimately flawed. It feels like a first feature, and that's OK, and displays an art and eye from Gosling you might not have thought he possessed.

    Dennis Schwartz Ozus' World Movie Reviews
    January 25, 2016

    That Gosling is so serious about his inconsequential pronouncements, makes this mess more of a mess.

    Norman Wilner NOW Toronto
    December 18, 2015

    It all descends into blood and fire as Gosling sifts through his Blu-ray collection to share the images and moods he loves. Does it work as a movie? Nah, not really. But as cinematic mix tapes go, it's kind of cool.

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