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    Kite (2014) is a film telling about Sawa - the main character. The content begins from the date when her father was killed by a mob. Sawa is extremely angry so she has collaborated with her fathers colleague to find the enemy. However, everything is not so simple when the hidden enemy always tries to kill her.  
    Duration: 90 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2014
    IMDb: 4.4
    (1) Voted
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  • Actors of "Kite"

  • Characters of "Kite"

    Sawa. Character of Kite
    Played by: India Eisley
    Kratsov. Character of Kite
    Played by: Jaco Muller
    Elderly Woman. Character of Kite
    Played by: Annabel Linder
    Sawa's Mother. Character of Kite
    Oburi. Character of Kite
    Akai. Character of Kite
    Thornhill Bodyguards. Character of Kite
    Played by: Kenneth Nta
    Oburi. Character of Kite
    Mandla. Character of Kite
    Margrit. Character of Kite
    Played by: Cleo Rinkwest
    Sawa. Character of Kite
    Played by: Keci Eatock
    Old Boy. Character of Kite
    Sawa's Father. Character of Kite
  • Directors of "Kite"

    Ralph Ziman. Director of Kite
    Ralph Ziman
    Birthdate: 1963, Johannesburg, South Africa
  • Creators of "Kite"

    Yasuomi Umetsu. Director of Kite
    Yasuomi Umetsu
    Birthdate: 19 December 1960, Fukushima, Japan
    Brian Cox. Director of Kite
    Brian Cox
  • Critic Reviews of "Kite"

    Los Angeles Times
    October 10, 2014

    Ziman struggles mightily to weave hot-girl assassin shtick, trendy exploitation style and future-shock grimness: The default setting seems to be whatever you've seen in a hundred other movies (and heard - the electronic score is pure digital Muzak).

    New York Times
    October 09, 2014

    Nasty for nastiness's sake, "Kite" drags to achieve its brief running time; you wonder whether the slow motion is an artistic device or a stalling tactic.

    New York Post
    October 09, 2014

    A kill-a-minute gore-a-thon whose twist is so obvious your grandma Edna will see it coming, "Kite" never gets off the ground.

    New York Daily News
    October 08, 2014

    Ziman pretends to be empowering his young heroine by putting a gun in her hand and tough words in her mouth. But there's something deeply discomforting about his camera's fetishistic leering.

    Village Voice
    October 07, 2014

    In a film that pits the heroine directly against the sexualization of young women, the camera's gaze itself feels awfully exploitative.

    Hollywood Reporter
    October 06, 2014

    Bloodthirsty young women are no longer novel enough that this watered-down revenger can expect us to pay attention without bringing something new to the table.

    The Dissolve
    October 13, 2014

    Filled with light parkour, terrible speed-ramping, and frenetically edited combat, Ziman's film could easily be repackaged as The Asylum's ripoff of Lucy.
    October 09, 2014

    It's impossible to get all worked up with a formulaic revenge story when the participants don't seem like they want to be here either.

    Film School Rejects
    October 06, 2014

    Every exterior is foggy to diminish how far we can see... ie how far the production design could afford to make look like a rundown near future.

    Huffington Post
    September 29, 2014

    For anyone compiling a list of Samuel L. Jackson's worst films, you're in for a treat. Kite will be hard to beat.

    September 04, 2014

    Dabbling in the same fetish-feminism and coldly-served revenge fantasies that made Zack Snyder's Sucker Punch such a wildly divisive work...Ralph Ziman brings an appropriately seedy but miserably downbeat aesthetic to this long-in-development adaptation.

    JoBlo's Movie Emporium
    July 22, 2014

    Worse than any Uwe Boll movie. Just terrible.

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