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    Kill Your Friends

    Set in London, 1997; when the British music industry is on a winning streak. The movie follows an A&R man working at the height of the Britpop music craze as he goes to extremes in order to find his next hit.
    Duration: 103 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2015
    IMDb: 6.0
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  • Actors of "Kill Your Friends"

  • Characters of "Kill Your Friends"

    Steven Stelfox. Character of Kill Your Friends
    Played by: Nicholas Hoult
  • Directors of "Kill Your Friends"

    Owen Harris. Director of Kill Your Friends
    Owen Harris
  • Creators of "Kill Your Friends"

    John Niven. Director of Kill Your Friends
    John Niven
  • Critic Reviews of "Kill Your Friends"

    Christy Lemire
    April 01, 2016

    Everyone is horrible all the time-so when they do horrible things to each other, the result is a chuckle rather than a vicious bite. The music business is cutthroat, we get it.

    Adam Graham Detroit News
    April 01, 2016

    "Kill Your Friends" goes to some ugly places, but it keeps a sturdy sense of rhythm.

    Robert Abele Los Angeles Times
    April 01, 2016

    Watching "Kill Your Friends" unfold is not dissimilar to being at a party where someone's clever one-liner lulls you into a conversation that reveals a bitterly immature, dismissively one-note lout, after which you're trapped.

    Andy Webster New York Times
    March 31, 2016

    Anchoring the pungent 1990s ambience is Mr. Hoult, easily oozing cool charisma.

    Kyle Smith New York Post
    March 31, 2016

    Though the script is full of arch, darkly funny observations, the movie gets stuck on the same clanging chord of all-hating cynicism.

    Soren Anderson Seattle Times
    March 31, 2016

    A more disagreeable collection of cynical, backstabbing, self-aggrandizing, shallow, vicious and vile specimens of humanity gathered together in a single motion picture would be difficult to conceive of.

    Alan Corr RTÉ (Ireland)
    July 19, 2016

    Hoult is a fine actor for sure but he's just too damn good-looking and smooth as the dark-hearted record company man. Hoult's craven A&R man has the killer instinct but his insecurities never seem entirely convincing.

    Dustin Putman
    June 09, 2016

    Saturates itself in nihilistic excess while presenting an uncompromisingly grim portrait of the recording industry. What is has to say, however, eventually grows stale as its narrative repetitively hits the same beats again and again.

    Peter Canavese Groucho Reviews
    June 06, 2016

    As adapted by screenwriter John Niven from his own novel, Kill Your Friends has a decidedly been-there, killed-that feel to it.

    Austin Trunick Under the Radar
    April 15, 2016

    Nicholas Hoult shines in this blackest of black comedies.

    Dennis Schwartz Ozus' World Movie Reviews
    April 09, 2016

    The cynical film might be more annoying than eyeopening but the soundtrack kicks, as it features groups like Blur, Oasis and Radiohead.

    Jeffrey M. Anderson Common Sense Media
    April 07, 2016

    Sometimes bad behavior can be entertaining, but in this cynical story of the music industry, it's simply depressing. There's no vicarious thrill, no exhilaration, only uninspired, unpunished meanness.

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