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    Keeping Mum

    A pastor preoccupied with writing the perfect sermon fails to realize that his wife is having an affair and his children are up to no good. Out of desperation for affection, Gloria begins to fall for the advances of Lance, an American golf pro who is giving her 'private' lessons.
    Duration: 99 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2005
    IMDb: 6.8
    (2) Voted
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  • Actors of "Keeping Mum"

  • Characters of "Keeping Mum"

    Walter Goodfellow. Character of Keeping Mum
    Played by: Rowan Atkinson
    Gloria Goodfellow. Character of Keeping Mum
    Grace Hawkins. Character of Keeping Mum
    Played by: Maggie Smith
    Lance. Character of Keeping Mum
    Played by: Patrick Swayze
    Holly Goodfellow. Character of Keeping Mum
    Played by: Tamsin Egerton
    Petey Goodfellow. Character of Keeping Mum
    Played by: Toby Parkes
  • Directors of "Keeping Mum"

    Niall Johnson. Director of Keeping Mum
    Niall Johnson
    Birthdate: 1965, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, England, UK
  • Creators of "Keeping Mum"

    Richard Russo. Director of Keeping Mum
    Richard Russo
    Birthdate: 15 July 1949, Johnstown, New York, USA
    Niall Johnson. Director of Keeping Mum
    Niall Johnson
    Birthdate: 1965, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, England, UK
  • Critic Reviews of "Keeping Mum"

    Randy Cordova Arizona Republic
    October 26, 2006

    A dark comedy that isn't dark or particularly funny, Keeping Mum ends up being an exercise in heavy-handed whimsy.

    Roger Moore Orlando Sentinel
    October 20, 2006

    A meek little diversion, nothing more.

    Robert Denerstein Denver Rocky Mountain News
    October 13, 2006

    A modest comedy that wants to be both dark and reassuring at the same time.

    Lisa Kennedy Denver Post
    October 13, 2006

    Bracket out the ethical concerns of making merry as the body count mysteriously rises and Keeping Mum is an endearing hoot.

    Richard Roeper Ebert & Roeper
    October 09, 2006

    It's probably one of the funniest films to come out of England in years.

    Connie Ogle Miami Herald
    October 05, 2006

    Cheerfully black-hearted and unfailingly amusing.

    Simon Weaving Screenwize
    July 30, 2009

    Don't expect Rowan Atkinson in full Bean or Blackadder flight: this is much more delicate Country Life comeuppance at the hands of a deliciously dark fairy godmother.

    Cole Smithey
    April 20, 2009

    Rowan Atkinson ("Mr. Bean") plays straight-man Reverend Walter Goodfellow to Grace Hawkins (acted with keen wit by Maggie Smith) his genteel serial-killer housekeeper in this delicious British black comedy.

    Walter Chaw
    August 07, 2007

    An insufferable British dark comedy in the tradition of other happy-horseshit classics

    Maria Garcia Film Journal International
    March 01, 2007

    The problem with Keeping Mum is that the slaughter is very real and, worse, the victims are often innocent or otherwise undeserving of their fate.

    Karina Montgomery Cinerina
    January 31, 2007

    I would have loved for these characters to have a different plot to stretch out in. However, this story is obvious, pedestrian, warm and pleasant, but mostly a tragic waste of some tremendous resources.

    Robert Roten Laramie Movie Scope
    January 19, 2007

    It has all the edge, darkness and wit one expects from the storied genre of British dark comedy.

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