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    John Q

    Due to a national health care crisis in the United States, John Quincy Archibald's insurance won't cover his son's heart transplant. With no recourse but to take his son home to die, John snaps and holds the staff and patients of the hospital's emergency room hostage at gunpoint.
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  • Actors of "John Q"

  • Characters of "John Q"

    Beautiful BMW Driver. Character of John Q
    John Quincy Archibald. Character of John Q
    Denise Archibald. Character of John Q
    Played by: Kimberly Elise
    Michael 'Mike' Archibald. Character of John Q
    Steve Maguire. Character of John Q
    Played by: Kevin Connolly
    Rebecca Payne. Character of John Q
    Played by: Anne Heche
    Dr. Raymond Turner. Character of John Q
    Played by: James Woods
    Guard Max Conlin. Character of John Q
    Played by: Ethan Suplee
    Mitch Quigley. Character of John Q
    Played by: Shawn Hatosy
    Julie Bird. Character of John Q
    Lester Matthews. Character of John Q
    Played by: Eddie Griffin
    Lt. Frank Grimes. Character of John Q
    Played by: Robert Duvall
    Chief Gus Monroe. Character of John Q
    Played by: Ray Liotta
    Jay Leno. Character of John Q
    Played by: Jay Leno
    Larry King. Character of John Q
    Played by: Larry King
    Arianna Huffington. Character of John Q
    Bill Maher. Character of John Q
    Played by: Bill Maher
  • Directors of "John Q"

    Nick Cassavetes. Director of John Q
    Nick Cassavetes
    Birthdate: 21 May 1959, New York City, New York, USA
  • Creators of "John Q"

    James Kearns. Director of John Q
    James Kearns
  • Critic Reviews of "John Q"

    L.A. Weekly
    January 21, 2003

    A coercive script by James Kearns, and some middling direction by Nick Cassavetes, can't rob the movie of an undeniable, headlong crowd-pleasing power as it tackles an issue that touches us all.

    Minneapolis Star Tribune
    November 06, 2002

    A polemic in search of a plot.

    New York Observer
    March 13, 2002

    Manipulative sentimentality, contrived plot and phony climax.

    Arizona Republic
    March 04, 2002

    A sappy, melodramatic Denzel Washington vehicle that ensnares you in the standard hostage-movie scenario and doesn't let go until the director runs the whole playbook.

    New York Magazine/Vulture
    February 24, 2002

    It pulls out more stops than that old silent serial The Perils of Pauline. Unfortunately, it's a talkie.

    Entertainment Weekly
    February 21, 2002

    Cassavetes thinks he's making Dog Day Afternoon with a cause, but all he's done is to reduce everything he touches to a shrill, didactic cartoon.

    Common Sense Media
    January 01, 2011

    Thought-provoking. Too intense for young teens.

    Groucho Reviews
    May 17, 2009

    Strands good actors in mushy, movie-of-the-week material. [Blu-ray]

    Cinema Crazed
    April 29, 2009

    A hokey and often silly commentary about the medical industry, and corruption within the establishment.
    September 24, 2007

    The movie comes dangerously close to saying that the solution to a personal grievance is, well, terrorism, when you get right down to it.

    December 18, 2006

    Social messages, simplistic action, and teary melodrama are manipulatively but unsuccessfully mixed in this picture, which tries to provide a "hard" look at an honest working-class man (Washington) who loses control while trying to save his child's life

    Star-Democrat (Easton, MD)
    January 07, 2004

    Instead of presenting the story and allowing us to draw our own conclusions, Cassavetes blatantly tells us what we should think.

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