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    John McCain: For Whom the Bell Tolls

    A documentary movie takes a deep look in the life of John McCain, the American politician who serving as the senior United States Senator from Arizona. He passed hard times in his life to reach his current position and one of these times is the period when he was a POW in Vietnam.
    Country: United States
    Duration: 104 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2018
    IMDb: 7.5
    (2) Voted
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  • Actors of "John McCain: For Whom the Bell Tolls"

  • Critic Reviews of "John McCain: For Whom the Bell Tolls"

    Washington Post
    May 29, 2018

    It's an altogether new form of tribute: Having one's last word while being able to hear the things everyone will say when you're really gone.

    Uncle Barky
    May 29, 2018

    The respect and admiration for the cancer-afflicted POW turned Arizona senator is non-partisan and clearly more than pro forma during this 1 hour, 45 minute film.

    Hollywood Reporter
    May 29, 2018

    It's certainly an inspirational portrait; it's also a blatant exercise in legacy management... Still, For Whom is entirely convincing, even moving, in its intimation that McCain's passing will mark the alarming disappearance of the GOP's old guard.

    New York Magazine/Vulture
    May 29, 2018

    First and foremost, this documentary is as a moving farewell to a flawed, but still admirable, man. But it also comes across as another type of good-bye, one to the basic civility Americans once were able to take for granted in the political realm.

    Wall Street Journal
    May 25, 2018

    There are reasons that one might differ with his politics, but there's no disputing his accomplishments, or his moments of bravery...
    May 23, 2018

    Keenly aware that he's nearing the end, McCain and director Peter Kunhardt have left a guide to a figure described, for good or ill, as being the most influential non-president of the last half-century.

    Paste Magazine
    May 29, 2018

    HBO would like to offer you the following answer: "No, you shouldn't respect John McCain because he has stage IV brain cancer." It has a lot of other reasons why you should. And you'll agree or you won't.

    Rolling Stone
    May 23, 2018

    The political myth-making around McCain has always been tough to take, and this movie is basically two hours of it. The myths aren't just about McCain, either, but also an effort to gloss over... how we got to the terrible place we're in today.

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