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    Hanna (2011)

    Sixteen-year-old Hanna, who was raised by her father to be the perfect assassin, is dispatched on a mission across Europe, tracked by a ruthless intelligence agent and her operatives.
    Duration: 111 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2011
    IMDb: 6.7
    (6) Voted
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  • Actors of "Hanna (2011)"

  • Characters of "Hanna (2011)"

    Hanna. Character of Hanna (2011)
    Played by: Saoirse Ronan
    Erik Heller. Character of Hanna (2011)
    Played by: Eric Bana
    Johanna Zadek. Character of Hanna (2011)
    Played by: Vicky Krieps
    Marissa Wiegler. Character of Hanna (2011)
    Played by: Cate Blanchett
    Lewis. Character of Hanna (2011)
    Played by: John Macmillan
    Walt. Character of Hanna (2011)
    Played by: Tim Beckmann
    Bob. Character of Hanna (2011)
    Played by: Paul Birchard
    Burton. Character of Hanna (2011)
    Played by: Jamie Beamish
    Monitor. Character of Hanna (2011)
    Played by: Tom Hodgkins
    Sophie. Character of Hanna (2011)
    Played by: Jessica Barden
    Miles. Character of Hanna (2011)
    Played by: Aldo Maland
    Isaacs. Character of Hanna (2011)
    Played by: Tom Hollander
  • Directors of "Hanna (2011)"

    Joe Wright. Director of Hanna (2011)
    Joe Wright
    Birthdate: 1972, London, England, UK
  • Creators of "Hanna (2011)"

    Seth Lochhead. Director of Hanna (2011)
    Seth Lochhead
    Birthdate: 17 August 1981, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada
    David Farr. Director of Hanna (2011)
    David Farr
    Birthdate: 1969, Guildford, Surrey, England, UK
  • Critic Reviews of "Hanna (2011)"

    Time Out
    May 03, 2011

    While the film as a whole may be episodic and wayward, and not always in a good way, the action scenes are uniformly sharp, inventive and gripping.

    New Yorker
    April 25, 2011

    An entertainingly nutty action thriller from the director Joe Wright.

    Los Angeles Times
    April 11, 2011

    Blessed with considerable virtues, including a clever concept, crackling filmmaking and a charismatic star, it ultimately squanders all of them, undone by an unfortunate lack of subtlety and restraint.

    New York Magazine/Vulture
    April 11, 2011

    What keeps us hooked is Ronan, a young actress of seemingly limitless abilities, and the tension she creates between Hanna's inhumanly agile body and quizzical eyes, which turn cold only when she pulls the trigger.

    Christian Science Monitor
    April 09, 2011

    This film is bound to give the home-schooling movement a bad name, unless, of course, you're running a home school for assassins.

    Denver Post
    April 08, 2011

    "Hanna" plays out as a visceral fairy tale about a naif discovering a world both fascinating and dangerous.

    Philadelphia Weekly
    May 03, 2015

    Meticulously composed mayhem without a larger purpose, too glum to provide any base genre satisfactions.

    7M Pictures
    August 26, 2013

    not terrible, but not great

    The Patriot Ledger
    May 26, 2013

    It's like an amusement park ride operating in the middle of a rave in which The Chemical Brothers provide a no-one-gets-out-alive thrust of unimpeded propulsion.

    Concrete Playground
    March 04, 2013

    Jason Bourne meets Run Lola Run in a movie that brings terrifying new meaning to 'child abuse'.

    Tribune News Service
    January 09, 2013

    "A furious neck-snapping thriller that summons up memories of a dozen other movies and manages to improve on most of them."
    September 28, 2012

    Teenage assassin trained as a killing machine since birth? Unless your movie has Nicolas Cage dressed like Batman with a paedo-tache, you're fighting a losing battle from the start.

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