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    Graffiti Bridge

    The film follows the conflict between The Kid and Morris who are still competitors and each runs a club of his own, as they struggle over the future of a nightclub and the love of an angelic woman.
    Duration: 90 min
    Quality: SD
    Release: 1990
    IMDb: 4.9
    (0) Voted
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  • Actors of "Graffiti Bridge"

  • Characters of "Graffiti Bridge"

    The Kid. Character of Graffiti Bridge
    Played by: Prince
    Morris Day. Character of Graffiti Bridge
    Played by: Morris Day
  • Directors of "Graffiti Bridge"

    Prince. Director of Graffiti Bridge
    Birthdate: 7 June 1958, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
  • Creators of "Graffiti Bridge"

    Prince. Director of Graffiti Bridge
    Birthdate: 7 June 1958, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
  • Critic Reviews of "Graffiti Bridge"

    Gene Siskel
    April 22, 2016

    Prince follows his disastrous Under the Cherry Moon with another lame film.

    Jay Boyar Orlando Sentinel
    April 22, 2016

    With his doe eyes, sensitive face and amazing openness, he might even have the makings of a whole new kind of movie star. But if Prince is ever going to be that, he must find some decent behind-the-camera collaborators.

    Michael Upchurch Seattle Times
    April 22, 2016

    Technically, the film is a compendium of stale MTV gimmicks -- dry ice, stylized sets. It's a neo-Expressionist tempest in a teapot.

    Mark Caro Chicago Tribune
    April 22, 2016

    The movie suffers from various technical difficulties -- like choppy editing and songs that get cut off mid-groove -- and in the end everything collapses in a heap.

    Steven Rea Philadelphia Inquirer
    April 22, 2016

    If, as has been reported, Graffiti Bridge is Prince's homage to the heyday of Hollywood musicals, he should have hired a director who looks at film as more than an extended music video.

    Owen Gleiberman Entertainment Weekly
    September 07, 2011

    Prince has had his follies, but never has he been associated with an album or film as lackluster as this one.

    Jason Bailey Flavorwire
    October 15, 2016

    He abandons even the semi-realism of 'Purple Rain' for something closer to a good, old-fashioned, backlot musical - something we get even less of these days, so enjoy the novelty.

    Matt Brunson
    October 08, 2016

    Visually unappealing and inane at every turn, this one's the absolute pits.

    Lou Cedrone Baltimore Sun
    April 22, 2016

    There is some plot, but it is wispy at best and frequently gets in the way of the music.

    Dennis King Tulsa World
    April 22, 2016

    Hardcore Prince fans might revel in His Royal Purpleness' muted philisopical musings, but everyone else will likely find this film an overblown bore.

    John Ferguson Radio Times
    April 22, 2016

    As a film director, Prince remains a brilliant musician.

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