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    Elephant (2003)

    A day in the lives of a group of average teenage high school students. The film follows every character and shows their daily routines. Things go extreme when two students arrive with violent intentions. 
    Duration: 81 min
    Quality: SD
    Release: 2003
    IMDb: 7.1
    (3) Voted
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  • Actors of "Elephant (2003)"

  • Characters of "Elephant (2003)"

    Alex. Character of Elephant (2003)
    Played by: Alex Frost
    Eric. Character of Elephant (2003)
    Played by: Eric Deulen
    John McFarland. Character of Elephant (2003)
    Played by: John Robinson
    Elias. Character of Elephant (2003)
    Red Haired Kid. Character of Elephant (2003)
  • Directors of "Elephant (2003)"

    Gus Van Sant. Director of Elephant (2003)
    Gus Van Sant
    Birthdate: 24 July 1952, Louisville, Kentucky, USA
  • Creators of "Elephant (2003)"

    Gus Van Sant. Director of Elephant (2003)
    Gus Van Sant
    Birthdate: 24 July 1952, Louisville, Kentucky, USA
  • Critic Reviews of "Elephant (2003)"

    New Yorker
    April 24, 2013

    Gus Van Sant's fascinating, mysterious, semidocumentary meditation on the Columbine massacre is not very satisfying, but it's still something to see.

    Wall Street Journal
    April 24, 2013

    What I'll remember most vividly about Gus Van Sant's extraordinary "Elephant" is not the violent climax but the state of grace that precedes it.

    AV Club
    April 24, 2013

    Elephant creates gorgeous, wide-open spaces that allow viewers the freedom to reflect without having a point-of-view imposed on them.

    Associated Press
    April 24, 2013

    The approach is oddly riveting, though, because the tension builds slowly, and you know what's going to happen at the end of the day.

    Time Out
    January 26, 2006

    The film doesn't try to explain, but to put us in a subjective time and space, a place where it's impossible not to feel the abject horror of random violence.

    New York Magazine/Vulture
    August 07, 2004

    Elephant is a lurid tease posing as an art film.
    May 14, 2014

    Watching it, one is left with the cold realization that a story like this had to be made for the screen, and it had to be done so exactly with this level of intensity.

    Common Sense Media
    August 03, 2012

    Director Gus Van Sant takes a powerful approach to this material, without being heavy-handed.

    Cinema Crazed
    April 29, 2009

    One of the most disturbing films I've ever seen, one that gave me a rush of emotions of sadness, horror, disbelief, shock, and anguish.

    Urban Cinefile
    October 18, 2008

    One of the most stimulating and provocative films of the year.

    Empire Magazine
    April 01, 2006

    Van Sant's least 'show-offy', most personal, best picture in years (maybe ever), and an honourable attempt at respectfully considering the unbearable.
    October 18, 2005

    A failure to communicate

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