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    Dragon Blade

    Set in China during the Han dynasty (206-220 AD), Dragon Blade follows Huo An, an official framed and enslaved for a crime he didn';t commit. Soon thereafter, however, he meets Roman soldier in Cusack';s Lucius and the pair begin to form an unlikely alliance.
    Duration: 127 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2015
    IMDb: 5.9
    (6) Voted
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  • Actors of "Dragon Blade"

  • Characters of "Dragon Blade"

    Tiberius. Character of Dragon Blade
    Played by: Adrien Brody
  • Directors of "Dragon Blade"

    Daniel Lee. Director of Dragon Blade
    Daniel Lee
  • Creators of "Dragon Blade"

    Daniel Lee. Director of Dragon Blade
    Daniel Lee
  • Critic Reviews of "Dragon Blade"

    Mark Dujsik
    September 04, 2015

    For those who ever wondered what it would be like to see John Cusack and Jackie Chan engage in a swordfight (both of you), here is "Dragon Blade."

    Stephen Whitty Newark Star-Ledger
    September 04, 2015

    Just about everyone seems to get slashed, carved up or skewered, and vengeance rains down upon all. Except, of course, the one villain who truly deserved it. The filmmaker.

    Nathan Rabin Globe and Mail
    September 04, 2015

    In Dragon Blade, East meets West in a murky, mediocre muddle.

    Gary Goldstein Los Angeles Times
    September 03, 2015

    It's kind of a mess. That more than 20 minutes have been trimmed for the stateside release may have hurt the film's coherence, but viewers will be thankful for the shorter sit.

    Soren Anderson Seattle Times
    September 03, 2015

    Dragon Blade" is a solidly constructed epic that, despite its many battle scenes, has a strong message of pacifism and unity.

    John Anderson Wall Street Journal
    September 03, 2015

    People are burned alive, crushed like insects, hurled from rooftops. They may not deserve all this. But neither do we.

    Mike McCahill MovieMail
    December 13, 2016

    Dragon Blade feels like a dispiriting way for even seasoned bargain-bin trawlers to be seeing in the New Year.

    Kevin Harley
    December 12, 2016

    Botched promise abounds, starting with the wasted potential of John Cusack's Roman and Jackie Chan's Chinese guard uniting against Brody's evil Tiberius.

    Allan Hunter
    January 18, 2016

    Dragon Blade offers a daftly entertaining throwback to historical epics of the 1960s.

    Mark Kermode Observer (UK)
    January 17, 2016

    Handsome production design and sweeping battle vistas lend a touch of class, with Chan directing the action scenes with trademark brio.

    David Aldridge Radio Times
    January 15, 2016

    Chan brings martial artistry to the fight, Cusack his siege skills, and the the film overall is a mishmash of languages, styles and tones.

    Peter Bradshaw Guardian
    January 14, 2016

    There are nice moments, but this is pure bombast, and Chan's natural action flair is not given free rein.

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