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    Down and Out in Beverly Hills

    Down and Out in Beverly Hills tells the story of a rich but dysfunctional couple who save the life of a suicidal homeless man. How does this stranger change the life style of this family?
    Duration: 103 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 1986
    IMDb: 6.2
    (2) Voted
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  • Actors of "Down and Out in Beverly Hills"

  • Characters of "Down and Out in Beverly Hills"

    Jerry Baskin. Character of Down and Out in Beverly Hills
    Played by: Nick Nolte
    Barbara Whiteman. Character of Down and Out in Beverly Hills
    Played by: Bette Midler
    Dave Whiteman. Character of Down and Out in Beverly Hills
    Jenny Whiteman. Character of Down and Out in Beverly Hills
    Played by: Tracy Nelson
    Max Whiteman. Character of Down and Out in Beverly Hills
    Played by: Evan Richards
    Tom-Tom. Character of Down and Out in Beverly Hills
    Played by: Eloy Casados
    Yamato. Character of Down and Out in Beverly Hills
    Played by: Raymond Lee
  • Directors of "Down and Out in Beverly Hills"

    Paul Mazursky. Director of Down and Out in Beverly Hills
    Paul Mazursky
    Birthdate: 25 April 1930, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA
  • Creators of "Down and Out in Beverly Hills"

    René Fauchois. Director of Down and Out in Beverly Hills
    René Fauchois
    Birthdate: 31 August 1882, Rouen, France
    Paul Mazursky. Director of Down and Out in Beverly Hills
    Paul Mazursky
    Birthdate: 25 April 1930, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA
  • Critic Reviews of "Down and Out in Beverly Hills"

    TIME Magazine
    May 23, 2011

    On the basically farcical level where it chooses to stay, it is a funny and likable movie.

    July 22, 2008

    Although it is more of a comedy of manners than a well-developed story, there are enough yocks and bright moments to make it a thoroughly enjoyable outing.

    Time Out
    January 26, 2006

    This update of Renoir's Boudu Saved from Drowning starts life as a satire on the tribal rites of the new and filthy rich, but goes badly wrong somewhere down the line.

    New York Times
    May 20, 2003

    As a comedy of manners it has a dependably keen aim, with its most wicked barbs leavened by Mr. Mazursky's obvious fondness for his characters.

    Chicago Reader
    January 01, 2000

    Paul Mazursky hasn't only remade Jean Renoir's sublime 1931 Boudu Saved From Drowning: he's yuppified it, inverting virtually every meaning until the film becomes a celebration of the crassest kind of materialism.

    Chicago Sun-Times
    January 01, 2000

    Let me just say that Down and Out in Beverly Hills made me laugh longer and louder than any film I've seen in a long time.

    Film Journal International
    October 08, 2008

    A single moment of magical realism shows the Babe-that-might-have-been, very charitably speaking, had the makers of this doggie adventure-comedy chosen a more daring and creative route...

    July 11, 2006

    A funny and poignant if also broad reworking of Renoir's classic, Boudu Saved from Drowning, Paul Mazursky's satire also works as a critique of L.A. nouveau riche and their crass lifestyle, reflected, among other things, in the garrish color palette.
    July 09, 2005

    funny with bite

    March 11, 2005

    Three great turns in one side-splitting movie

    Spirituality and Practice
    August 26, 2004

    Filled with hilarious incidents and clever one-liners.

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