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    Dead Man Down

    “ Dead Man Down” is the story of Victor who himself againsts the whole criminal world in New York for the purpose of finding out the old boss has caused death of his wife and daughter. On the way, he meets another victim as Beatrice who has the same target like him. They cooperate and attempt to restore justice and righteousness. But whether they can reach the boss?
    Duration: 118 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2013
    IMDb: 6.4
    (2) Voted
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  • Actors of "Dead Man Down"

  • Characters of "Dead Man Down"

    Victor. Character of Dead Man Down
    Played by: Colin Farrell
    Beatrice. Character of Dead Man Down
    Played by: Noomi Rapace
    Alphonse. Character of Dead Man Down
    Darcy. Character of Dead Man Down
    Played by: Dominic Cooper
    Andras. Character of Dead Man Down
    Played by: Saul Stein
  • Directors of "Dead Man Down"

    Niels Arden Oplev. Director of Dead Man Down
    Niels Arden Oplev
    Birthdate: 26 March 1961, Denmark
  • Creators of "Dead Man Down"

    J.H. Wyman. Director of Dead Man Down
    J.H. Wyman
    Birthdate: 5 January 1967, Oakland, California, USA
  • Critic Reviews of "Dead Man Down"

    The New Republic
    June 12, 2013

    Suppose Armand Assante had played the mother, not as a father, as a mother. Suppose Isabelle Huppert had taken the Colin Farrell part. This may be no more than playful, but heaven knows Dead Man Down needs as much of that as it can get.

    Time Out
    April 30, 2013

    A way-too-leisurely thriller whose destination is fairly obvious from early on, but to which the talented cast apply themselves with effortful seriousness.

    March 10, 2013

    Explores a common ground for noir thrillers before stumbling and imploding in a climax that feels like it might have been hijacked from an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie.

    New York Post
    March 08, 2013

    While a mob thriller can be as nasty as it likes, what it can't be is silly.

    New York Magazine/Vulture
    March 08, 2013

    More a dark fairy tale about vengeance than the action-packed crime thriller it purports to be, the film is at times exhilarating, bold, and beautiful -- when it's not busy being ludicrous, fragmented, and just plain stupid.

    AV Club
    March 08, 2013

    It takes forever to get going, unspooling its hopelessly convoluted, unwieldy plot for so long that it loses whatever marginal narrative momentum it possesses.

    Ozus' World Movie Reviews
    July 14, 2016

    An innocuous, unappealing and in the end an absurdly violent revenge gangster film.

    April 09, 2016

    Not all of it hits its mark, but when the picture starts to gain momentum at the hour mark, its distinctiveness sets in. And it's almost startling.

    Film School Rejects
    August 11, 2014

    The cast does all that they can, but, by the end, Dead Man Down plays as a confused, noble misfire.

    Movie Mezzanine
    February 06, 2014

    It gives us no real themes to marinate upon, yet it gives us very little memorable action in which to revel. It's simply a mish-mosh and a shame.

    Movie Talk
    September 22, 2013

    The plot and characters of pulpy revenge thriller Dead Man Down are pure B-movie stuff, yet stars Colin Farrell and Noomi Rapace lend the film unexpected class and conviction.

    We Got This Covered
    July 08, 2013

    While Dead Man Down has a talented cast in Farrell, Rapace, and Howard, it ends up being a rather bland take on the revenge thriller, offering nothing new or stimulating to the genre.

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