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    Amy, an 11-year-old girl, joins a group of dancers named 'the cuties' at school, and rapidly grows aware of her burgeoning femininity - upsetting her mother and her values in the process.
    Duration: 96 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2020
    IMDb: 3.6
    (16) Voted
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    granados #1 Movies Online user
    I would first like to say that I understand why the movie got so much backlash.... but please I ask that you watch the whole movie to understand the actual message of the movie! I assure you the movie will set it right in the end! SPOILER ALERT!!!!!! The movie starts with a young girl from an African Culture which I do not know.... but she starts to rebel after she finds out her Father has married another Woman... which marrying another woman according to the culture is acceptable... and the first wife, while heart broken, has to tell people she's happy.... :( Thats when she starts to listen to the expectations of what a Woman should be from Social Media who gives her likes for what's she is doing... The rest I leave to you....the story I got was nothing new because we are exposed to the same AD's of "this is what you have to be" I will say... the ending is Amazing... Because... well ill let you be the judge... I think that the Sexuality was pushed to anger people and wake up on the effects of social media and the sexual expectations of the popular culture... If this movie Disgusted you... it's probably because you didn't see the Childs smile in the end.... Be there for your kids! and don't let Social media tell then what they have to be when they have dreams of their own to fill! <3
    2020-11-27 07:11
    mtggod6969 #1 Movies Online user
    The above was a joke, obviously
    2020-09-11 16:09
    mtggod6969 #1 Movies Online user
    Not my proudest fap
    2020-09-11 06:09

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