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    Criminal Activities

    4 guys, who reunite at an ex-classmate's funeral, make a risky investment together that puts them in trouble with the mob. Things go from bad to worse: one of them borrowed his share of the money from a mobster.
    Duration: 94 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2015
    IMDb: 5.8
    (1) Voted
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  • Actors of "Criminal Activities"

  • Directors of "Criminal Activities"

    Jackie Earle Haley. Director of Criminal Activities
    Jackie Earle Haley
    Birthdate: 14 July 1961, Northridge, California, USA
  • Creators of "Criminal Activities"

    Robin Moore. Director of Criminal Activities
    Robin Moore
    Birthdate: 31 October 1925, Concord, Massachusetts, USA
  • Critic Reviews of "Criminal Activities"

    Seattle Times
    November 20, 2015

    "Criminal Activities" is a sneaky, snaky little crime thriller with some pretty impressive plot twists.

    Los Angeles Times
    November 19, 2015

    Haley whips it into something reasonably entertaining even as you start thinking about how truly great "Get Shorty" and Travolta's Chili Palmer were midway through those double-crossing criminal activities.

    November 19, 2015

    A profane thriller that so closely resembles the B-movies that followed "The Usual Suspects," "Pulp Fiction" and "Get Shorty," it could be mistaken for an archeological discovery.

    New York Times
    November 19, 2015

    It owes as much to Quentin Tarantino as the four bunglers owe to Eddie. Yet it doesn't feel like a mere imitation; it has too much wit and too many striking performances for that.

    New York Post
    November 19, 2015

    An eleventh hour twist adds a bit of intrigue, and everyone - including Haley himself, as a henchman - seems to be having a pretty good time.

    Washington Post
    November 19, 2015

    It won't win any awards, but it's not a bad evening out.

    March 28, 2016

    While it seemingly draws on the likes Tarantino's Pulp Fiction and True Romance, there's still something alluring and awfully inviting about Jackie Earle Haley's lively and intriguing directorial debut, Criminal Activities.

    ReelTalk Movie Reviews
    December 10, 2015

    An exciting revenge thriller enhanced by 'Pulp Fiction' vibes and a fascinating -- but quirky -- performance by Dan Stevens (as you've never seen him before).
    November 27, 2015

    Some stylish touches and committed performances enliven this otherwise generic crime thriller.

    The Young Folks
    November 24, 2015

    I almost wish that the film would have centered on Travolta and Haley's characters since the plot threads involving the four friends get wrapped up in about half-a-dozen The Usual Suspects wannabe twists.

    Paste Magazine
    November 23, 2015

    All sound and fury, signifying nothing -- just clichés begetting clichés.

    The Playlist
    November 21, 2015

    If you don't expect much in terms of originality, there are some good times to be had here.

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