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    Crash (1996)

    After getting into a serious car accident, commercial director James Ballard finds himself slowly drawn to a mysterious subculture of people who use car accidents and the raw sexual energy they produce to try to rejuvenate his sex life with his wife.
    Duration: 100 min
    Quality: SD
    Release: 1996
    IMDb: 6.4
    (1) Voted
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  • Actors of "Crash (1996)"

  • Characters of "Crash (1996)"

    James Ballard. Character of Crash (1996)
    Played by: James Spader
    Helen Remington. Character of Crash (1996)
    Played by: Holly Hunter
    Vaughan. Character of Crash (1996)
    Played by: Elias Koteas
    Catherine Ballard. Character of Crash (1996)
    Gabrielle. Character of Crash (1996)
  • Directors of "Crash (1996)"

    David Cronenberg. Director of Crash (1996)
    David Cronenberg
    Birthdate: 15 March 1943, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • Creators of "Crash (1996)"

    J.G. Ballard. Director of Crash (1996)
    J.G. Ballard
    Birthdate: 15 November 1930, Shanghai, China
    David Cronenberg. Director of Crash (1996)
    David Cronenberg
    Birthdate: 15 March 1943, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • Critic Reviews of "Crash (1996)"

    Entertainment Weekly
    April 04, 2011

    For a movie obsessed with the connection between sexual intercourse and car accidents, David Cronenberg's Crash could hardly be more stationary.

    September 09, 2008

    While the director remains firmly behind the wheel for the first hour or so, he cracks up toward the end with sequences that send the film and the audience into a ditch.

    Time Out
    June 24, 2006

    It's a dark, disturbing, languorous movie, as ludicrous, hermetic and repetitive, perhaps, as Ballard's original, but admirably assured and true to itself.

    New York Times
    May 20, 2003

    Mr. Cronenberg, for once oddly inhibited by brazen subject matter, has made a meticulously stylized and controlled film that leaves many of its characters' ideas muffled and lacks the true audacity its material demands.

    Washington Post
    January 22, 2002

    "Crash" doesn't extend beyond its most immediate sensationalism. When the movie does attempt to find a theme, it slams into a brick wall of mumbo-jumbo.

    Los Angeles Times
    February 14, 2001

    So far from being involving or compelling, so intentionally disconnected from any kind of recognizable emotion, that by comparison David Lynch's removed "Lost Highway" plays like "Lassie Come Home."

    Slant Magazine
    November 12, 2012

    [A] necessarily disturbing and equally profound inquiry into human desire, however self-destructive.

    City Pages, Minneapolis/St. Paul
    September 01, 2009

    With Crash, David Cronenberg drives mainstream cinema over the edge.
    July 30, 2007

    Crash is a mutant work of art -- a bracing splash of ice water.

    F5 (Wichita, KS)
    February 09, 2006

    Wildly unwatchable, as if someone had made Andy Warhol's Frankenstein without being in on the joke.

    Slant Magazine
    July 05, 2005

    It's the cold survival logic of Darwin, where libertarians leave their past behind as if it were dead.

    October 29, 2003

    A stylish, intriguing and typically warped vision that hybridises the imaginations of Ballard and Cronenberg.

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