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    Closer to the Moon

    Bucharest 1959. A spectacular Bank heist has the country in an uproar. In post-war Communist Romania it is an unimaginable slap in the face to the iron fisted authorities. Four men and a woman are arrested, tried, convicted and while waiting for their execution... are forced to star in a propaganda film about the crime. All five protagonists were heroes of the resistance during the Second World War and highly placed members of Romanian society. They clearly knew they would be caught and executed.
    Duration: 112 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2014
    IMDb: 6.7
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  • Actors of "Closer to the Moon"

  • Characters of "Closer to the Moon"

    Alice. Character of Closer to the Moon
    Played by: Vera Farmiga
    Max Rosenthal. Character of Closer to the Moon
    Played by: Mark Strong
    Prostitute 1. Character of Closer to the Moon
    Played by: Smaranda Luna
  • Directors of "Closer to the Moon"

    Nae Caranfil. Director of Closer to the Moon
    Nae Caranfil
    Birthdate: 7 September 1960, Bucharest, Romania
  • Creators of "Closer to the Moon"

    Nae Caranfil. Director of Closer to the Moon
    Nae Caranfil
    Birthdate: 7 September 1960, Bucharest, Romania
  • Critic Reviews of "Closer to the Moon"

    New York Times
    April 16, 2015

    "Closer to the Moon" draws on many of the same facts that appear in "The Great Communist Bank Robbery," but in the service of a less adventurous movie with familiar Western actors, English-language dialogue and badly strained uplift.

    New York Observer
    April 15, 2015

    From Romania, of all places, comes a breath of fresh air, far above the usual action film Hollywood keeps churning out with pointless abandon.

    Epoch Times
    May 20, 2016

    All the major facts of Moon are historically accurate, but the reasons behind the events remain a bit murky. However, Caranfil's speculations are more than persuasive.

    Times (UK)
    November 12, 2015

    It's always a pleasure to see Mark Strong in a lead role -- too often he's wasted as baddies and bosses. In Closer to the Moon he gets his most interesting part in a while.

    Radio Times
    November 12, 2015

    The story is so quintessentially Romanian, it had better been made in Romanian, with Romanian actors.

    Empire Magazine
    November 12, 2015

    Caranfil's unlikely, odd little film is quietly moving - all the more so because it is true.

    The List
    November 09, 2015

    It has some moments that effectively convey the weirdness with which it deals; but for the most part it's a missed opportunity, marred by a lack of narrative conviction and tonal cohesion.

    Under the Radar
    April 24, 2015

    Closer to the Moon is an unremarkable reenactment of a remarkable story.

    SSG Syndicate
    April 20, 2015

    A provocative, darkly comedic, absurdist drama - based on a true story.

    ReelTalk Movie Reviews
    April 19, 2015

    Although based on a true story, 'Closer to the Moon' comes across on screen as artificial and befuddling. However, quality production values make it easy on the eyes.

    April 17, 2015

    There are a lot of moving moments in this film, and it's to writer-director Nae Caranfil's credit that he's able to tease out the logic in this mostly enjoyable, if a little all-over-the-place, dark comedy.

    The Dissolve
    April 15, 2015

    Caranfil, who's made several previous features in Romanian, struggles throughout to find the right tone, mostly in vain.

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