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    Clay Pigeons

    In a small Montana town, Clay Bidwell finds himself increasingly surrounded by dead bodies, making him the chief suspect of an FBI murder investigation. The only way for Clay to set things straight is to beat one twisted individual at his own game of deceit and double-crossing.
    Duration: 104 min
    Quality: SD
    Release: 1998
    IMDb: 6.6
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  • Actors of "Clay Pigeons"

  • Characters of "Clay Pigeons"

    Clay Bidwell. Character of Clay Pigeons
    Lester Long. Character of Clay Pigeons
    Played by: Vince Vaughn
    Agent Dale Shelby. Character of Clay Pigeons
  • Directors of "Clay Pigeons"

    David Dobkin. Director of Clay Pigeons
    David Dobkin
    Birthdate: 23 June 1969, Washington, District of Columbia, USA
  • Creators of "Clay Pigeons"

    Matthew L. Healy. Director of Clay Pigeons
    Matthew L. Healy
  • Critic Reviews of "Clay Pigeons"

    March 26, 2009

    Slanted as a black comedy, but fails to secure the sufficiently outre tone (let alone any real suspense) needed to make it more than a middling retread.

    Time Out
    February 09, 2006

    This quirky comedy thriller, produced by Ridley Scott, is both blackly funny and, at times, tensely disturbing and quite macabre.

    Los Angeles Times
    February 14, 2001

    "You've got a sense of humor, I like that," Lester Long proclaims at one point. Well, we all like that, but would it be asking too much to have a little coherence to go along with it?

    Chicago Sun-Times
    January 01, 2000

    Within Clay Pigeons is a smaller story that might have involved us more, but it's buried by overkill.

    New York Times
    January 01, 2000

    A film that delights by confounding expectations.
    January 01, 2000

    Clay Pigeons may not actually be a good movie, but it has many of the ingredients of one.

    The Moving Picture Show
    July 26, 2014

    Call this one Fargo Lite, and you won't be far off the mark.

    Film Threat
    December 06, 2005

    Vince Vaughn may play the two best movie serial killers this year if his Norman Bates rendition can match his performance in Clay Pigeons.

    Capital Times (Madison, WI)
    May 27, 2005

    An okay little High Plains Noir, but it unravels at the end.

    Reeling Reviews
    April 09, 2005

    The boyishly braying laugh Vaughn punctuates his conversations with is a true actor's finesse on his character.
    April 02, 2005

    Twisted and quietly addicting crime flick.

    Lawrence Journal-World
    December 31, 2004

    Great performance by Vaughn

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