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    Cardboard Gangsters

    A group of young Cardboard Gangsters attempt to gain control of the drug trade in Darndale, chasing the glorified lifestyle of money, power and sex.
    (21) Voted
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    tjamil143 #1 Movies Online user
    That's the best movie I have ever seen unbelievably, thrill and action.
    2017-10-12 00:10

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    EPS 6
  • Actors of "Cardboard Gangsters"

  • Directors of "Cardboard Gangsters"

    Mark O'Connor. Director of Cardboard Gangsters
    Mark O'Connor
    Mark O'Connor. Director of Cardboard Gangsters
    Mark O'Connor
  • Creators of "Cardboard Gangsters"

    John Connors. Director of Cardboard Gangsters
    John Connors
    Mark O'Connor. Director of Cardboard Gangsters
    Mark O'Connor
  • Critic Reviews of "Cardboard Gangsters"

    Sunday Times (UK)
    August 07, 2017

    Mark O'Connor's film isn't subtle, but it's made with swagger and its antihero fits the bill as a certain kind of crime-drama archetype: overambitious, stupid and doomed, he nonetheless has a crude poignancy.

    Times (UK)
    August 04, 2017

    Mark O'Connor's film is a formulaic, but confidently handled gangster flick set in the rock-hard Darndale district of north Dublin.

    Radio Times
    August 03, 2017

    It manages the trick of respecting the aspirations of those left behind by the Celtic Tiger economy while handing out a few tough lessons on the cost of responsibility.

    Daily Express (UK)
    August 03, 2017

    Connors' compelling performance creates a degree of sympathy for Jason however the film seems a little too fond of his brutality and casual misogyny.

    August 03, 2017

    O'Connor puts the pedal to the metal with this picture and drives it like he stole it, as they say - with some exhilarating results.

    August 03, 2017

    O'Connor captures a potent disaffection of youth, and the ease with which this can slip into lawlessness.

    Observer (UK)
    July 30, 2017

    The violence isn't played for laughs and Connors's performance is genuinely moving, though there's an irresistible sprinkling of salty, vulgar humour to lighten the otherwise bleak mood ...

    Financial Times
    July 27, 2017

    The film is crackingly done, with a bleak humour when needed and a black savagery when not.

    Sunday Independent (Ireland)
    June 19, 2017

    A film about drug dealers isn't to everyone's taste, but this is a well-made, gritty drama that doesn't glamorise anything or judge anyone, and all to a thumping soundtrack.

    Irish Independent
    June 16, 2017

    Salty, funny, and enlivened by some fantastic Dublin rap music, Cardboard Gangsters has a rare authenticity in terms of its subject matter and location.

    Irish Times
    June 16, 2017

    O'Connor has - helped in no small measure by a towering turn from Connors - come as close to a Dublin Boyz n the Hood as we could have hoped. It's noisy, loud, violent and sad.

    Hot Press
    June 16, 2017

    O'Connor thrusts the viewer into not just the action, but also its severe ramifications.

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