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    Bad Reputation

    A journey through Joan Jett's life and career, from her early years as founder of 'The Runaways' and first collaborations with Kenny Laguna to her status as rock icon.
    Duration: 93 min
    Quality: SD
    Release: 2018
    IMDb: 7.3
    (0) Voted
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  • Actors of "Bad Reputation"

  • Critic Reviews of "Bad Reputation"

    October 25, 2018

    The big treat is seeing Jett herself talk and watching her still-strong bond with producer and best friend Kenny Laguna: two leather-clad old mates, constantly bickering but inseparable.

    Time Out
    October 03, 2018

    Jett is so free, she doesn't feel the need to speak to her private life. In her own way, that's as rock 'n' roll as it gets.
    September 28, 2018

    Joan Jett deserves a great rock doc. This isn't it.

    Globe and Mail
    September 27, 2018

    Bad Reputation roars through Jett's 60 years like one of her songs, snarling and unsubtle.

    Los Angeles Times
    September 27, 2018

    From Jett's groundbreaking recordings with the Runaways to how she defied a narrow-minded media establishment, "Bad Reputation" is a case study in how a musician stays relevant.

    Hollywood Reporter
    September 27, 2018

    The film is a disappointment, and has limited value for viewers hoping to experience (or relive) the years in which Jett proved a woman could rock as hard as the boys.

    Cinema Crazed
    December 31, 2018

    I'm fine reveling in the almost supernatural Joan Jett I just wish that we could have been given a peek behind the curtain.

    October 30, 2018

    Shedding light on a story of 70s rock and roll that is really a study of a turning tide in the fight for gender equality tunnelled through music.

    Backseat Mafia
    October 29, 2018

    Bad Reputation embodies the energy and zest which Jett injects into her music.

    The Film Experience
    October 29, 2018

    There's also little exploration of Jett's sexuality nor the more salacious parts of her drug addictions that she ultimately came out the other side of intact (if there were any scars, emotionally or physically, we don't learn about them).

    Observer (UK)
    October 29, 2018

    Jett says she wants to offer her fans "a primal release". A pity, then, that this film about her is so repressed.

    Times (UK)
    October 26, 2018

    The life and career of the groundbreaking rocker Joan Jett gets the dreary documentary treatment as the director Kevin Kerslake marches obediently through her career...with nothing less than wide-eyed adoration.

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