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    Atlas Shrugged 3: Who is John Galt

    A man decides to put an end to the corrupt practices of the company he works for and becomes part of a protected community where he is free from the restrictions of the oppressive government.
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  • Actors of "Atlas Shrugged 3: Who is John Galt"

  • Characters of "Atlas Shrugged 3: Who is John Galt"

    John Galt. Character of Atlas Shrugged 3: Who is John Galt
    Dagny Taggart. Character of Atlas Shrugged 3: Who is John Galt
    Played by: Laura Regan
    Head of State Thompson. Character of Atlas Shrugged 3: Who is John Galt
    James Taggart. Character of Atlas Shrugged 3: Who is John Galt
    Played by: Greg Germann
    Dr. Floyd Ferris. Character of Atlas Shrugged 3: Who is John Galt
    Played by: Larry Cedar
    Francisco D'Anconia. Character of Atlas Shrugged 3: Who is John Galt
    Cherryl Brooks. Character of Atlas Shrugged 3: Who is John Galt
    Played by: Jen Nikolaisen
    Henry Rearden. Character of Atlas Shrugged 3: Who is John Galt
    Played by: Rob Morrow
    Ragnar Danneskj. Character of Atlas Shrugged 3: Who is John Galt
    Wesley Mouch. Character of Atlas Shrugged 3: Who is John Galt
    Played by: Louis Herthum
    Eddie Willers. Character of Atlas Shrugged 3: Who is John Galt
    Played by: Dominic Daniel
    Dr. Robert Stadler. Character of Atlas Shrugged 3: Who is John Galt
    Played by: Neil Dickson
    Clem Weatherby. Character of Atlas Shrugged 3: Who is John Galt
    Midas Mulligan. Character of Atlas Shrugged 3: Who is John Galt
    Played by: Mark Moses
    Ellis Wyatt. Character of Atlas Shrugged 3: Who is John Galt
    Played by: Lew Temple
    Hugh Akston. Character of Atlas Shrugged 3: Who is John Galt
    Eugene Lawson. Character of Atlas Shrugged 3: Who is John Galt
    Played by: Phil Valentine
    Jeff Allen. Character of Atlas Shrugged 3: Who is John Galt
    Played by: Jeff Yagher
  • Directors of "Atlas Shrugged 3: Who is John Galt"

    James Manera. Director of Atlas Shrugged 3: Who is John Galt
    James Manera
  • Creators of "Atlas Shrugged 3: Who is John Galt"

    James Manera. Director of Atlas Shrugged 3: Who is John Galt
    James Manera
    Harmon Kaslow. Director of Atlas Shrugged 3: Who is John Galt
    Harmon Kaslow
    Birthdate: 21 January 1962, Hollywood, California, USA
  • Critic Reviews of "Atlas Shrugged 3: Who is John Galt"

    AV Club
    September 24, 2014

    Prime Mystery Science Theater 3000 fodder, cut-rate to the point of incoherence.

    September 16, 2014

    The prior installments weren't very good movies, and it should surprise few that this last one is the worst of the lot.

    Village Voice
    September 15, 2014

    Rand's parable is meant to showcase just how much our world needs the best of us, but this adaptation only does so accidentally -- by revealing what movies would be like if none of the best of us worked on them.

    Hollywood Reporter
    September 14, 2014

    A missed opportunity to speak to anyone other than the converted, but at least as the culmination of its makers' will.

    September 12, 2014

    To find fault with the Atlas Shrugged franchise because of its politics is like complaining about Birdemic because it gets the ornithology wrong. Why dwell on the details when there are giant, embarrassing flaws staring you in the face?

    Arizona Republic
    September 11, 2014

    We get it, we get it: Capitalism is good, government is bad. But "Atlas Shrugged: Who Is John Galt?" is worse.

    Austin Chronicle
    September 18, 2014

    In 1949, when Warner Bros. filmed The Fountainhead, Rand threatened to burn down the studio if they compromised her novel. I'd like to think that if she were alive she'd be looking for lighter fluid for this one.

    Antagony & Ecstasy
    September 17, 2014

    With virtually nothing that happens onscreen resembling human behavior or emotion to any real extend, the film can't even function as propaganda.

    Movie Mezzanine
    September 16, 2014

    The favorite book of many young sociopaths you meet in business schools, it's all about a bunch of rich crybabies who don't want to share their toys so they break them and go home.

    Las Vegas Weekly
    September 10, 2014

    Both the cheapest-looking and most narratively deficient film in the series, a rather pathetic end to a project undertaken with more ambition than talent.

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