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    Anon [Sub: Eng]

    Living in such a world where there is no privacy, anonymity, or crime, a detective, Sal Frieland, who, through her trying to solve a series of unsolved murders, finds out that crime seems to begin than to disappear as she finds a young woman who has no identity, history, or name, who is suspected to subverted the system and Sal has to find her as she is the next victim.
    Genre: Thriller Sci-Fi
    Country: United Kingdom, Canada, United States, Germany
    Duration: 100 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2018
    IMDb: 6.1
    (14) Voted
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    Anon Anonymous
    2019-08-31 16:08
    trudee85 Anonymous
    i liked the effects on this movie, futuristic aspect, good enough story line, the suspect... not who you exptected
    2018-06-03 02:06

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  • Actors of "Anon [Sub: Eng]"

  • Characters of "Anon [Sub: Eng]"

    Sal Frieland. Character of Anon [Sub: Eng]
    Played by: Clive Owen
    The Girl. Character of Anon [Sub: Eng]
  • Critic Reviews of "Anon [Sub: Eng]"

    Hollywood Reporter
    May 03, 2018

    Clive Owen looks glum and bored for most of Anon, and many movie fans will empathize.

    Movie Nation
    May 04, 2018

    Not the Andrew Niccol "comeback" one might have hoped for. Stylish, striking but empty.

    The Verge
    May 04, 2018

    It's an amiable thriller that will definitely account for an enjoyable couple of hours in the lives of Netflix subscribers, though it likely won't leave the same impact as Niccol's best work.

    May 03, 2018

    Andrew Niccol brings another of his Philip K Dick-style futurist high concepts to the movie screen, and it doesn't entirely come off.

    May 03, 2018

    A high-concept popcorn movie and none the worse for that, Anon gets the tech noir job done and will leave you pondering your digital footprint as you nervously exit the theatre. Mind the step.

    JoBlo's Movie Emporium
    May 03, 2018

    Starts off great, but quickly gets bogged down in a boring mystery that never picks up momentum.

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